Nutze deine Zeit für GottBeispiel

Redeeming Your Time
Time is the great leveler. It is the one resource that is allocated in absolute egalitarian terms. Every living person has the same number of hours to use in every day. Busy people are not given a special bonus added on to the hours of the day. The clock plays no favorites.
We all have an equal measure of time in every day. Where we differ from one another is in how we redeem the time allotted. When something is redeemed, it is rescued or purchased from some negative condition. The basic negative condition we are concerned with is the condition of waste. To waste time is to spend it on that which has little or no value.
The late Vince Lombardi introduced the adage, "I never lost a game; I just ran out of time." This explanation points me to one of the most dramatic elements of sports—the race against the clock. The team that is most productive in the allotted time is the team that wins the game. Of course, in sports, unlike life, there are provisions for calling timeout. The clock in a sports contest can be temporarily halted. But in real life, there are not timeouts.
Coram Deo: Living before the face of God
Ask God to reveal ways you can redeem time that is being wasted on things of little or no value.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

Eine viertägige Andacht von R.C. Sproul darüber, deine Zeit für Gott einzusetzen. Jede Andacht ruft dazu auf, in Gottes Gegenwart, unter seiner Autorität und zu seiner Ehre zu leben.
Vielen Dank an Ligonier Ministries für die Bereitstellung dieses Leseplans. Für mehr Informationen, besuche
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