Nutze deine Zeit für GottBeispiel

Using Your Time Productively
When I was a child in elementary school, people often asked me, "What is your favorite subject?" Invariably my response was one of two things. I either said, "recess" or "gym." My answer revealed my deepest predilections. I preferred play to work. Indeed, my nascent philosophical musing regarding the cosmic "Why?" questions took place as I made a game of walking to school via tiptoeing along a long path, pretending I was a high-wire walker in a circus.
I asked myself the meaning of life wherein I had to spend five days a week doing what I didn't want to do just so I could play on the weekends. I was always at the schoolyard a full hour before school began—not out of a zeal for getting a head start on my studies, but so I could "redeem" the daily grind by having an hour's worth of fun on the playground before the school bell rang. For me, time redemption meant rescuing precious minutes of play from the required hours of work.
I've come to realize that when the apostle Paul exhorted his readers to "[redeem] the time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:16), my practices are not exactly what he had in mind. His was a solemn call to the productive use of one's time in the labor of Christ's kingdom.
Coram deo: Living before the face of God
Do you use your time productively for the kingdom of God?
Copyright © Ligonier Ministries.
Die Heilige Schrift
Über diesen Leseplan

Eine viertägige Andacht von R.C. Sproul darüber, deine Zeit für Gott einzusetzen. Jede Andacht ruft dazu auf, in Gottes Gegenwart, unter seiner Autorität und zu seiner Ehre zu leben.
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