God's PromisesUddrag

God's Promises

DAG 19 AF 21


I’m a huge fan of words. If you sit with them for a while and take time to really think about what they mean, they begin to have a much deeper, richer impact than at first glance.

When describing God, I have two words that top my favorites list. ALWAYS and NEVER. These two words should rarely be used, but they are two of the most important ones when describing God. Take almost any adjective you could use to describe yourself and others and pair them with one of these two words, and you take that adjective to a whole new God-level.

I try to love others well but fall short way too often. God is ALWAYS loving.

I try to love consistently, but I admit my love is not constant. God’s love NEVER fails.

“UN” has now also made it to my favorite’s list. It means 'not' or 'the opposite of.’ It falls into the category similar to NEVER – not ever, at no time, no matter what.

As you fast today, take some time to feast on these words and how they richen the truth of God’s love, that it is:

  • Un-Limited.
  • Un-Conditional.
  • Complete.

There is nothing you can do to stop it, change it, add to it, make it more, or make it less. It is ALWAYS – at all times, forever, no matter what.

Dawn Urness, Bellingham Campus

Dag 18Dag 20

Om denne plan

God's Promises

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) This is a promise that God gave His people 2,600 years ago. It was a promise that the effort to pursue God would be rewarded with finding Him. For the next 21 days, we will pray and fast as we seek our Lord. He is our Promise Keeper.
