God's PromisesUddrag

God's Promises

DAG 15 AF 21


We all come across certain times in our lives when we are going to need guidance, times when it feels like we may have more questions than answers, and it is hard to know what to do.

  • What will be my future career?
  • Is he/she "the one"? How do I know?
  • Should we buy or rent a home?
  • Do we want to start a family? Do we want to adopt or have our own?
  • Should we move to a different state?
  • Should I change jobs?
  • Which medical treatment should I choose?
  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What is God’s will for my life?

Such a time came about for our family when we faced a decision on whether to leave our family, friends, and home in Texas to move to Washington for a job opportunity. We looked to God for direction and felt Him leading us to Washington, even though we feared how it would all turn out. We decided to move, and God provided for Washington to become our new home.

As Christians, it is so comforting to know we have a Father who promises to be with us always and guide us to make decisions that are in His will. Through the power of prayer, fasting, and reading God's Word, we can faithfully be encouraged to be guided by our Lord and what he wants for us.

Anne and Andy Covington, Online Campus

Dag 14Dag 16

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God's Promises

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) This is a promise that God gave His people 2,600 years ago. It was a promise that the effort to pursue God would be rewarded with finding Him. For the next 21 days, we will pray and fast as we seek our Lord. He is our Promise Keeper.
