God's PromisesUddrag

God's Promises

DAG 18 AF 21


How often do we put our expectations of God and His promises on our timeline, only to discover that He, in His great wisdom, is on His own timeline? He is faithful to His promises, no matter our expectations, seasons, or assumed timelines.

My family and I moved to Bellingham, Washington September 1st, 2021, with the hope and a clear felt promise from God that as He called us out here, He would provide us a home for our large family to flourish. Even before we arrived, things didn't seem to go as we expected, but God provided for our daily needs. We stayed faithful to the hope and call, but it was a season of significantly increasing discomfort. It didn't take long before we started questioning whether we even heard God at all! Just about every month, my wife and I would take turns fasting for a day or two to clear our minds and hearts to recenter to God. Often during these times, we felt the clear invitation to wait. And so we waited... and waited... 443 days we waited!

Fasting is surrender. We surrender one thing and hope that God fills that void. Waiting is surrender. We surrender our timelines. Crying out to God is a surrender of pride and independence, acknowledging our need for Him!

In that season for my family, God met us EVERY single day. Faithful to his promises, God did come through! Our family found a place, and God did this in such a way that only He could receive the praise and glory.

When we fast, pray, and cry out, may it embolden our faith, hope, and trust in Him. As we fast and surrender, may we recognize that God knows what He is doing. His record is perfect! He Hears our cries and is always up to something good.

Uriah Garay, Next Gen Pastor

Dag 17Dag 19

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God's Promises

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) This is a promise that God gave His people 2,600 years ago. It was a promise that the effort to pursue God would be rewarded with finding Him. For the next 21 days, we will pray and fast as we seek our Lord. He is our Promise Keeper.
