John 21
chapter one and twenty
1after this did Yehoshua himself again appear to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias; and did himself appear in such manner: 2there are was together Simon Peter and Toma, who they has him called Didymas, and Natan'el from Cana in Galilee, and Zavdai's sons, and another two of his disciples. 3says Simon Peter to them: I go to catch fish! say they to him: we will also come with you (SG). and they did go out, and did step in into the boat; and in that night did they nothing catch. 4and when it is already was in the morning, is Yehoshua standing at the shore; yet did the disciples not known, that it is Yehoshua. 5and Yehoshua says to them: children, (question) have you (PL) not something (catch fish) to eat? have they him answered: no! 6he however did to them say: throw into the net on the right side of the boat, and you (PL) will find. and they did throw in and were it no longer not be able pull out, on account of the mass of fish. 7says that disciple, whom Yehoshua did love have, to Peter: it is the L-rd! and as Simon Peter did hear, that it is the L-rd, did he self girded (loins) his tunic (over garment)—because he was naked—and did self throw in in sea into. 8the other disciples however did come in the boat, because they were not far from the dry land, only about two hundred cubits, pulling the net with fish. 9and when they did step out on the land, see they a fire of coals heaped up and a fish lying thereon and bread. 10says Yehoshua to them: bring here from the fish, which you (PL) have now caught. 11is Simon Peter step in and did pull out the net upon the land, full with large fish, hundred three and fifty, and although it was so much, has self the net yet not rip. 12says Yehoshua to them: come, eat breakfast! and none of the disciples did themselves not dare him to ask: who are you? because they did know, that it is the L-rd. 13comes Yehoshua and takes the bread and gives it them, and also in this way the fish. 14the these is now the third time that Yehoshua has Himself shown to the disciples, after that when he is stand up again from the dead.
15and when they did finish eating breakfast, says Yehoshua to Simon Peter: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love more than the these? says he to him: yes, L-rd, you (SG) know, that I do you love. says he to him: feed my lambs. 16again for the second time says he to him: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love? says he to him: yes, L-rd, you (SG) know, that I do you love. says he to him: feed my sheep. 17for the third time says he to him: Simon son of Jonah, (question) do you me love? is Peter grieved become, because he did to him say for the third time: (question) do you me love? and he did to him say: L-rd, you (SG) know everything; you (SG) know, that I do you love. says Yehoshua to him: feed my sheep. 18in truth, in truth tell I you (SG): when you (SG) are were young, you did yourself gird around and did go, where you (SG) did want; however when you (SG) will old become, will you stretch out your hands, and an other will you gird around and lead, where you (SG) will not want. 19and the these has he said, alluding making, with what for a death he will glorify Hashem. and after the as he has that said, says he to him: follow me after! 20turning around himself, see Peter the disciple following, which (the one) Yehoshua did love had and who did himself also lean on Yeshua's breast at the feast, and had said: L-rd, who is it, who betrays you? 21and when Peter did him caught sight of, says he to Yehoshua: L-rd, and what about that same one? 22says Yehoshua to him: if I will he shall remain, until I come, why goes this you on? you (SG) follow me after. 23and the these word is go out among the brothers, that that disciple will not die; Yehoshua however did not say to him, that he will not die, only: if I want, that he shall remain until I come, why goes this you on?
24this is the disciple, who testifies about the these things, and did them write; and we know, that his witness say is truth. 25there are however there still a many other things, which Yehoshua has done, which, if they should described to be, one after the other, am I myself suppose, that in the world would (there) not be enough place (room) for the books, which would written become.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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