the Shlichim history 1
1the first report did I make, o Theophilus, about all things, which Yehoshua did begin to do and to teach, 2until to the day, when he is taken above become, after that when he did through the Spirit the Holy command the Shlichim, whom he has chosen; 3to whom after his sufferings he did Himself appear alive through a many assured proofs, manifesting to them in the time of forty days and speaking about that, which had a relation to the kingdom of Hashem; 4and when they have been assembled, did he them order not to go away from Jerusalem, but to wait on/for the promise from the Father, whom—did he say—you (PL) have heard from me; 5because John has immersed with water in the mikveh, you (PL) however will immersed to be in the mikveh with the Spirit the Holy not in many days about.
6therefore, when they did themselves come together, did they him ask, so to say: L-rd, (question) will you in the this one time again reestablish the kingdom of to Israel? 7did he to them say: there is not your thing to know the times or seasons, which the Father did fixed in his authority. 8but you (PL) will receive power, when the Spirit the Holy will come on you (PL); and will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Yehudah and in Samaria and until to the end of the earth. 9and having this said, was He taken up become, and they did this see, and a cloud did him taken away from their eyes. 10and as they were so steadfastly looking to the heaven, while he did go away up, look, beside them are standing two men in white clothing; 11which did also say: you (PL) men of Galilee, why stand you (PL) and look up to the heaven? the one this very Yehoshua, who is taken up become from you (PL) in heaven into, will on such manner come, as you (PL) did him see going up in heaven into.
12then have they themselves returned to Jerusalem from the mountain, which called Mount of Olives, which is near from Jerusalem a distance a walking limit (for) Sabbath. 13and when they are come in, did they went up in the room upstairs, where Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Toma, Bar-Talmai and Mattityahu, James son of Chalfai and Simon the Zealot and Yehudah son of James did dwell. 14the all did unanimous continue in prayer do, together with the women, and Mary Yeshua's mother and with his brothers.
15and in the these days did Peter stand up in the midst of the brothers and did say—a crowd (of) about hundred and twenty were there gathered— 16brothers, it did have to be fulfilled to be the verse, which the Spirit the Holy did foretold through David's mouth about Yehudah, who did become a guide for those, who did captive take Yehoshua. 17because he did become counted with us and did receive his share in the this ministry. 18the this one did himself acquire a field for the payment from his wickedness, and did fall down with the head down and was burst apart become in the midst, and all his bowels did pour out. 19and this these is known become to all inhabitants in Jerusalem, so, that in their own dialect is that field called field blood, that means a field of blood. 20because it stands written in Book Psalms:
let his dwelling become a desert,
and let no inhabitants not found in you (PL);
his office shall an other take over.
(Psalms 69, 26; 109, 8)
21it is therefore necessary, that one of the these men, who have us accompanied the entire time, in which the L-rd Yehoshua did come in and go out among us, 22beginning from John's mikveh until to the Day, when he is from us taken up become, shall be a witness with us of his resurrection of the dead ones. 23and they did stand two, Joseph, whom they have called Bar Sabba, and did have the surname Justus, and Mattiyah. 24and did prayer do and said: you (SG), o L-rd, who knows everyone's hearts, show which you (SG) have chosen of the these two, 25one, who shall take over the place of the this one ministry and Shlichus, from which Yehudah is fallen away, so that to go to his own place. 26and have cast lots for them, and the lot is fall upon Mattiyah; and he did counted become to the eleven Shlichim.
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the Shlichim history 1: OYBCENGL

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