John 20
chapter twenty
1and the first day of the week in the morning, while it is yet was dark, comes Mary of Magdala to the tomb, and sees the stone taken away from tomb. 2runs she therefore and comes to Simon Peter and to the other disciple, whom Yehoshua has love had, and says to them: they have taken away the L-rd of the tomb out, and we know not, where they has him laid. 3and Peter is went out and the another disciple, and did go away to the tomb. 4and both did run together; and the other disciple is run ahead, faster than Peter and is the first arrive to the tomb. 5and stooping down himself, has he seen the burial shrouds lying; he did however not go in. 6then comes also Simon Peter, following him, and did go in in tomb into; and sees the burial shrouds lying, 7and the kerchief (head shroud), which was on his head, is not lying together with the burial shrouds, but separately (apart) folded up on one place. 8and then is also the other disciple go in, he, who did come the first to the tomb, and did see and believed. 9because they had yet not understood the scripture, that he must standing up again from the dead. 10and the disciples did again go away to themselves home.
11Mary however did stand outside by the tomb weeping; and while she did weep, did she herself bend down to the tomb, 12and see two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where Yeshua's body was lying. 13and those say to her: woman, why do you weep? says she to them: because they have taken away the L-rd mine, and I know not, where they have him laid. 14this saying, did she herself turn around behind herself, and sees Yehoshua standing, and did not know, that it is Yehoshua. 15says Yehoshua to her: woman, why do you weep? whom do you seek? and supposing, that he is the gardeners, says she to him: L-rd, if you (SG) you have him carried away, tell we, where you (SG) you have him laid, and I will him take away. 16says Yehoshua to her: Mary! she did herself turn around and says to him: in language holy: Rabboni! (this means teacher!) 17says Yehoshua to her: touch me not on: because I am yet not gone up to the Father; but go to my brothers and tell them, I go up to my Father and your Father, and to my G-d and your G-d. 18comes Mary of Magdala and tells the disciples, that she has seen the L-rd, and this had he to her said.
19and in that day in evening, the first of the week, while the doors are was locked, where the disciples have themselves found, out fear before the Judaeans, is Yehoshua come and did himself stand in the midst, and says to them: peace be with you! 20and when he did this say, did he them show the hands and the side. and the disciples did self rejoiced, seeing the L-rd. 21and Yehoshua did again to them say: peace (greeting) be with you! as the Father did me sent, so send I you (PL). 22and this having said, did he upon them breathe, and says to them; be receive the Spirit the Holy! 23whomever you (PL) will forgive be the sins, will it them be forgiven become; whomever you (PL) will retain, will they be retained.
24however Toma, one of the twelve, who they had called Didymas, is not was together with them, when Yehoshua is come. 25did the other disciples therefore say to him: we did see the L-rd! he however did to them say: if I will not see the sign (mark) of the nails in his hands, and put in my finger on the place of the nails, and put in my hand in his side, will I never way not believe!
26and in eight days later were his disciples again were inside (in the house), and Toma was with them. comes Yehoshua, while the doors are was locked, and has himself stand in the midst and said: peace be with you! 27then says he to Toma: stretch out your finger here and look my hands; and stretch out your hand and do it into in my side, and be not unbelieving, but be a believer! 28did Toma answer and said to him: my L-rd and my G-d! 29says Yehoshua to him: because you (SG) did me see, do you believe? blessed are those, who have not seen and believe yet!
30and yet a many other signs did Yehoshua do before his disciples, which stand not written in the this book. 31and the these are written become, so that you (PL) shall believe, that Yehoshua is the Moshiach, the Son of the Most High, and that believing, shall you (PL) have life in his name.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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