the Shlichim history 4
chapter four
1and while they were speaking to the crowd, did upon them come the kohenim and the Temple police captain of the house HaMikdash and the Sadducees, 2because they are were very enraged on account of this, that they teach the people and say on resurrection of the dead ones through Yehoshua. 3and did lay (on) the hands upon them, and them pur in prison until in the morning; because it is already was evening. 4a many however who had heard the word, did believe; and the number of the men was (grew to) about five thousand.
5and it is happened, in the morning did themselves come together their rulers and the elders and the scribes in Jerusalem 6and Chanah (Anan) the kohen gadol, and Caiapha and John and Alexander, and everyone, who are was from the kohen gadol's family. 7and they have them stand/place in the midst, and asked: with which power, or with what fame did you (PL) this do? 8then did Peter filled become with the Spirit the Holy and did say to them: you (PL) rulers of the nation and elders of Israel, 9if they are us today examine and seek about the good to the sick man, through what he did healed become, 10shall you (PL) all know and the entire nation Israel, that in the name of Yehoshua the Moshiach of Natseret, whom you (PL) did hung up on the tree, whom Hashem did rouse from the dead, through that this stands the man healthy before you (PL). 11he is that the stone, which you (PL), the builders, did reject/discard, which did become the chief/head of the corner (stone). 12and it is not there any salvation in any other; because there is not under heaven any other name, which is given become among men, through which we should saved become.
13and when they did see the courage of Peter and John, and did understand, that they are unlearned and simple men, did they themselves wonder, and recognized, that they had been with Yehoshua. 14and seeing this man, who is healed become, standing with them, did they not have what to speak against. 15but ordered them to go outside (Sanhedrin chamber) outside of Sanhedrin, did they decided one with the other, 16so to say: what should we do with the these men? because that a well known sign (miracle) is through them happened, it is clear to all inhabitants of Jerusalem, and we can it not deny/contradict. 17but so that it let not further spread among nation, let us them exhort more not to speak to anyone in the this name. 18and did them call, and order entirely not to speak and not to teach in the name of Yehoshua. 19Peter however and John did answering say to them: judge you (PL), (question) it is right before Hashem you (PL) more to obey than Hashem (Himself); 20because we can not other than speak that, which we have seen and heard. 21and they did again them warn, and release, not finding something, for which them to punish, on account of the people; because all had praised Hashem over that, which is happened. 22because the man was older than forty years, on whom it is done become the these sign (miracle) of healing.
23and being released, did they come to their own and did report all, that the chief kohenim and the elders did to them said. 24and when they did this hear, did all together lift up their voice to Hashem, and said: o L-rd, You (sing) are the one, who has created the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all, that is in them; 25You (sing) you have said through the Spirit the Holy through the mouth of our father David, your servant:
why are furious the nations (of the world),
and the nations think up emptiness?
26the kings of the earth have themselves stand up,
and the rulers have self together gathered,
against the L-rd and against His Moshiach.
(Psalms 2, 1-2)
27because in truth in the this one city did themselves gathered against Your holy servant Yehoshua, whom You (sing) have anointed, Herod and Pontius Pilate with the nations (of the world) and the peoples of Israel, 28to do what Your hand and counsel did beforehand decree become, that it shall occur. 29and now o L-rd, look on their threats, and give your servants to speak your word with a full boldness, 30while You (sing) you do stretch out Your hand to heal, and to do signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Yehoshua. 31and while they were prayer done, did the place tremble, in which they are were gathered; and all are filled become with the Spirit the Holy, and did speak the word of Hashem with boldness.
32and among the large group (of) believers was one heart and one spirit, and anyone did not say, that something of his possession is his own; but all are among them was in common. 33and with great power did the Shlichim give the witness say of the L-rd Yeshua's resurrection (resurrection of the dead ones); and great grace was on them all. 34and there is not was any needy among them, because all, who had owned fields or houses, did (the these) sell, and brought the prices of the sold things 35and placed at the feet of the Shlichim; and it is divided become to every one, according to his needs.
36and Joseph, who had got/received from the Shlichim the surname Bar-Nabba (that means, son of comfort), a Levi, born in Cyprus, 37owning a field, did it sell, and brought the money, and it placed at the feet of the Shlichim.
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