the Shlichim history 3

chapter three
1and Peter and John did go up in house HaMikdash into in the hour of prayer, the ninth (3 P.M.). 2and a man, a lame from his mother's womb, has they brought by to carry, who they used to sit down (sit a person down) every day at the gate of house HaMikdash, which was called Gate Beautiful, to beg alms from the (ones), who are entered in house HaMikdash into. 3seeing Peter and John, who were held at the go in in House the Holy, did he (them) begged a alms. 4Peter however did on him a glance did with John and said: look on us. 5and he did turn his face to them, hoping something from them to received. 6Peter however did say: silver and gold have I not, but what I have yes, that give I you (SG). in the name of Yehoshua the Moshiach from Natseret, stand up and walk. 7and he did him seize by the right hand and him did stand up; and in an eye blink did his feet and ankles strengthened become. 8and he is jump up/spring up and has himself stand up, and is walking about; and did go in with them in House HaMikdash into, walking around and jumping and praising Hashem. 9and the entire people did him see walking and praising Hashem. 10and they has him recognize, that this is the one, who used sit for alms at the Gate Beautiful of house HaMikdash, and they did full become with astonishment and bewilderment over that, what is him happened.
11and while he has himself hold to Peter and John, did the whole crowd (of) themselves run together to them to the portico, which was called Colonnade of Solomon, beside themselves with astonishment. 12and seeing this, did Peter answer the crowd (of): you (PL) men of Israel, why wonder you (PL) yourselves about the this one thing? or why look you (PL) in this way on us, as though as with our own power or piety did we him make walk around? 13the G-d of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the G-d of our fathers, did glorify His servant Yehoshua, whom you (PL) did hand over, and denied before Pilate, when he had decided him to release. 14you (PL) however did deny the holy one and righteous, and demanded that a man a murderer shall (to) you (PL) pardoned become, 15and did kill the prince life, whom Hashem had rouse from the dead, of which we are (eye) witnesses. 16and through the faith in his name, did his name strengthen the this, whom you (PL) see (here) and know; and the faith, which is through him, did him give the full good health before you (PL) all. 17and now, brothers, I know, that you (PL) had it done not knowingly, as also your (PL) rulers. 18however Hashem did on such manner fulfill, what he had foretold through the mouth of all prophets, that his Moshiach will to suffer. 19therefore do repentance and turn you (PL) back, so that your (PL) sin shall erased to be, 20that it should come times of awakening from the face of the L-rd, and that he shall you (PL) send the predetermined Moshiach Yehoshua, 21whom the heaven must receive until to the time, when everything will restored to be, about which Hashem had spoken from forever on through the mouth of his holy prophets. 22because Moses (Rebbeinu) did say:
a prophet, like to me, will the L-rd G-d raise up to you (PL), of among your (PL) brothers; him shall you (PL) hear according to all, which he will to you (PL) speak; 23and it will be, that every soul, who will that prophet not hear, shall destroyed become from the nation.
(Deuteronomy 18, 15, 19)
24and all prophets from Samuel without and those, who are was after him, who did speak, did also announce (predict) the these days. 25you (PL) are the children of the prophets, and of the agreement (covenant), which Hashem had made with your (PL) fathers, when he did say to Abraham:
and through your seeds will blessed become
all families of the earth.
(Genesis 22, 18)
26to you (PL) before all did Hashem raise up His servant and him sent you (PL) to bless, when every one of you (PL) will yourselves turn away from his (deeds) evil.





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