the Shlichim history 3:19
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
therefore do repentance and turn you (PL) back, so that your (PL) sin shall erased to be
Udforsk the Shlichim history 3:19
the Shlichim history 3:6
Peter however did say: silver and gold have I not, but what I have yes, that give I you (SG). in the name of Yehoshua the Moshiach from Natseret, stand up and walk.
Udforsk the Shlichim history 3:6
the Shlichim history 3:7-8
and he did him seize by the right hand and him did stand up; and in an eye blink did his feet and ankles strengthened become. and he is jump up/spring up and has himself stand up, and is walking about; and did go in with them in House HaMikdash into, walking around and jumping and praising Hashem.
Udforsk the Shlichim history 3:7-8
the Shlichim history 3:16
and through the faith in his name, did his name strengthen the this, whom you (PL) see (here) and know; and the faith, which is through him, did him give the full good health before you (PL) all.
Udforsk the Shlichim history 3:16