the Shlichim history 5

chapter five
1a certain man however with the name Chananyah, with Shappira his wife, did sell a property, 2and deducted from the price, with the knowledge of his wife, and a share brought and lay down at the feet of the Shlichim. 3Peter however did say: Chananyah, why did the Satan fill your heart, to say a lie to the Spirit the Holy and keep back from the price of field? 4(question) is it then not was your own, when you (SG) did it have? and after selling, (question) is it then not was in your authority? why did you decide in your heart the this thing? you (SG) did not deny before men, but before Hashem. 5and when Chananyah did hear the these words, did he fall down and expired; and a great fear is come over all, who had this heard. 6and the young men did stand up, did him dressed in tachrichim (burial shrouds), and him carried out and buried.
7and after a interval of about three hour is his wife come in, not knowing what it is occurred. 8and Peter has to her said: tell me, (question) did you (PL) for so much and so much sell this field? and she has said: yes, for so much and so much. 9did Peter to her say: why did you (PL) agree among yourselves to test the Spirit of the L-rd? here see, the feet of those, who have buried your husband, are at the door, and they will you (also) carry out. 10and she did immediately fall down at his feet and expired; and the young men did come in and did her find a dead, and, carrying out, have they her bury was by her husband. 11and it did come a great fear over the whole kehile and over all, who had this heard.
12and through the hands of the Shlichim are occurred a many signs and wonders among the people; and all are was together in the Portico of Solomon. 13of the remaining however did anyone self not dare to join to them, but the people did them held very (for) much value; 14and the believers in the L-rd have self much increase, crowds of men and also women; 15so, that they used carry out sick on the streets, and them place on beds and couches, so that when Peter will come, shall at least his shadow fall on some of them. 16and a crowd of people is themselves gathered in Jerusalem from the towns around, bringing to carry sick and plagued by unclean spirits, which did all healed become.
17and the kohen gadol is stand up again and all, who are was with him (that is the sect of the Sadducees), and did full become with envy, 18and did place the hands on the Shlichim, and them jailed in the city jail. 19and an angel of the L-rd (Hashem) did by night open the doors of the prison, and them led out, and said: 20go, stand yourselves and speak in house HaMikdash to the people all words of the this life. 21and when they did this hear, are they in the morning entered in house HaMikdash into and did teach. however the kohen gadol did come and those, who are was with him, and did call together the Sanhedrin and all elders of the sons of Israel, and sent to the prison, they should them bring. 22and the temple police did go there and did them not find in jail, and did themselves returned and reported, so to say: 23we did find the prison firmly locked and the guards standing at the doors; however upon opening (them), did we inside anyone not find. 24and when the Temple police captain from the house HaMikdash and the chief kohenim did hear the these words, did they utterly at a loss become over them, what it would of the this become. 25then did someone come and them report: look, the men, whom you (PL) had jailed in prison, are in the house HaMikdash, and stand and teach the people. 26then did the Temple police captain go away together with the temple police, and them brought, (yet) not with violence; because they did fear have before the people, they should them not stone. 27and did them bring and stand/place before Sanhedrin. and the kohen gadol did them ask, 28so to say: did we you (PL) not strictly order, not to teach in the this name, and see, you (PL) have filled up Jerusalem with your teaching, and want you (PL) to bring upon us the blood of the this man? 29and Peter and the Shlichim did answering say: Hashem must one more obey than men. 30the G-d of our fathers did rouse Yehoshua, whom you (PL) had taken and hung up on a tree. 31him did Hashem raise up to his right hand, (to be) a prince and a redeemer, to give to Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins. 32and we are witnesses of the these words, and the Spirit the Holy, which Hashem has given to those, who obeys him.
33and on hearing this, did it them pierce in their hearts, and they did want them to kill. 34but there is stood up a certain man in the Sanhedrin, a Pharisee, who was called Gamliel, a Tanna, highly regarded by the entire people, and did order should the men escort out for a while. 35then did he say to them: men of Israel, be careful what relates to the these men, what you (PL) (are) going to do. 36because for the these days did stand up Theudas, saying, that he is something; to whom it did self join in number an about four hundred people; he is killed was; and all, who did him obey/follow, were scattered and destroyed become. 37after that did stand up Yehudah the Galilean, in the days of the census, and did draw after himself an significant part of the people; also he is lost become, and all, who had him obeyed, did scattered become. 38and now say I to you: keep self back from the these people, and let them up (go): because if the this counsel or the this thing are of man, will it demolished to be. 39but if it is from Hashem, will you (PL) them not be able to disturb; lest will you (PL) found to be wrestling also against Hashem. and they did him listen; 40and summoning the Shlichim and beating them lashes, did they order, that they should not speak in Yeshua's name, and did them release. 41and they did go away from before the Sanhedrin, rejoicing themselves that they were worthy was despise to be on account of the Name. 42and every day, both in house HaMikdash and from house to house, did they not stop to teach and to proclaim the News of the Moshiach Yehoshua.





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