the Shlichim history 2

chapter two
1and when it did come the day of Shavuos, all were gathered in one place of. 2and suddenly there is become a (rushing) sound from heaven, like of a quick and immense windstorm, and did fill the entire house, where they were sitting. 3and there have self appear to them divided tongues like of fire, and have self put/fix on every one of them. 4and all did full become with the Spirit the Holy and did begin speak in other languages, according to as the Spirit did them give themselves to express.
5and in Jerusalem did dwell Jews, Heaven fearers, from all nations under heaven. 6and when the this sound (from the rushing) is come, has self the crowd of the people assemble and is bewildered become, because every one did them hear speaking in his own language. 7and they did astounded become and have self wondered over, so to say: just see, (question) are then not all the these, who speak, people of Galilee? 8and how (is it, that) we hear every one in our own language, in which we were born become? 9Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and the inhabitants of Aram Neharim (i.e. Mesopotamia), Yehudah, Cappadocia, Pontus and (Minor) Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya by Cyrene, and the arrivals from Rome, 11Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs; we hear them speaking in our languages (about) the great works of Hashem. 12and all became amazed and bewildered, and did say one to the other: what shall these (things) mean? 13others however, mockingly, did say: they are full with sweet/new wine.
14however Peter, standing up himself together with the eleven, did lift up his voice and to them said: you (PL) men of Yehudah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem, be this know, and bend your (PL) ears to my words. 15because the these are not, as you (PL) assume, drunk, because it is (now only) the third hour of the day. 16but this is, what had said been through the prophet Joel:
17and it will happened in the last days, says Hashem,
I will pour from my Spirit on all flesh (and blood);
and your (PL) sons and your (PL) daughters will prophecies say,
and your (PL) young people will see visions,
and your (PL) elders will dream dreams,
18and even on my servants and maids
will I pour out of My Spirit in those days,
and they will prophecies say.
19I will give wonders above in heaven
and signs below upon the earth,
blood and fire and a cloud of smoke.
20the sun will turn become to darkness
and the moon—in blood,
before it will come the great
and fearful/terrible Day of the L-rd.
21and it will to happen, that every one,
who will call upon the Name of the L-rd,
will saved to be.
(Joel 3, 1-5)
22men of Israel, hear the these words: Yehoshua of Natseret, a man, who had to you (PL) shown become by Hashem through deeds of power, wonders and signs, which Hashem did do through him in your midst, as you (PL) know it yourselves, 23the this, who has handed over become according to Hashem's clearly stated counsel and foreknowledge, did you (PL) take and through the hands of the wicked hung up on the tree and killed; 24Him did Hashem rouse, loosing the sufferings of death, because it did not able to be, that he shall of it held become.
25because David (the King) says about him:
seen have I the L-rd always before me,
then he is on my right hand,
so that I shall myself not be shaken.
26therefore did my heart self joyful was
and my tongue did self rejoice,
and it will yet my flesh rest upon hope;
27because you (SG) you will not leave
my soul in Sheol (deepest),
you (SG) will also not permit
your holy one to see decay.
28you (SG) have me acquainted made the ways of life,
you (SG) will me filled make with joy before your face.
(Psalms 16, 8-11)
29brothers, let me speak to you (PL) with boldness about the patriarch David, that he is dead become and they have him buried, and his tomb is with us until to the present day. 30being however a prophet and knowing, that with an oath did Hashem him swear, to make to sit on his throne (one) of the fruit of his loins (Psalms 132, 11; 89, 4-5; Samuel 2nd 7, 12-13.), 31foreseeing this, did he speak about the Moshiach's resurrection from the dead ones, that he was not left behind become in Sheol, and that his flesh did not see corruption. 32the this Yehoshua did Hashem raise up, of which we all are witness. 33therefore, just as he was lifted become to Hashem's right hand and did received the promise from the Father which relates to the Spirit the Holy, did he that pour out, which you (PL) see now and hear. 34because David did not go up in heaven into, then he himself said:
the L-rd did say to my L-rd:
sit at my right side,
35until I will lay down your enemies
for a footstool at your feet.
(Psalms 110, 1)
36therefore shall the entire house of Israel surely know, that the this Yehoshua, whom you (PL) have hung up on the tree, did Hashem make both for L-rd and for Moshiach. 37and as they have this heard, have they this themselves taken to the heart, and said to Peter and to the other Shlichim: brothers, what shall we do? 38and Peter did to them say: do repentance, and shall every one of you (PL) yourselves allow immerse be in the mikveh in the name of Yehoshua the Moshiach to the forgiveness of your (PL) sins, and you (PL) will received the gift of the Spirit the Holy. 39because the promise is to you (PL) and to your (PL) children, and to all, who are from afar, whom the L-rd our G-d will call. 40and with still a many other words did he witness said and them exhort did, saying: save self from the this perverse generation. 41and those, who did accept his word, have self allow immersed to be in the mikveh, and are came to that day an about three thousand souls. 42and they did always devote (self) did in the teaching of the Shlichim and in the fellowship, in bread breaking and in the prayers.
43and there is come a fear on every soul, and a many wonders and signs did to happen through the Shlichim. 44and all believers are was together, and did everything have communally; 45and did sell their possessions and goods and it distribute to everyone, according to as every one has self need. 46and daily did they themselves endeavor to be in house HaMikdash, and break bread from house to house, and ate their food with joy and sincerity from the heart, 47praising Hashem and finding favor with entire people. and every day did the L-rd add to them those, who are saved being.





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