21 Days of Prayer and Fasting With Rock City Churchنموونە

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting With Rock City Church

DAY 19 OF 21


Read: Psalm 22:27-28; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; 2 Chronicles 7:14

Imagine if Christians across the globe took time each and every day to pray for God to move in and through their country. Perhaps our world might look different than it now does. If you currently mourn the state of your country, it is important to pause and to remember the promises we read in Psalm 22: “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations.” God is sovereign, but until He returns, we can and should pray for our country and its leaders.

Paul, in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, demonstrates how we are to pray for our leaders. He encourages us to pray for kings and for all those who are in authority as a way of living in peace and in holiness. Notice that he does not recommend we pray only for those in authority that we like or agree with. Instead, he calls us to pray for all leaders with grateful hearts and with the advancement of the Gospel in mind.


Dear Heavenly Father, You alone are the sovereign ruler over all the earth. Forgive our sins and shortcomings as a nation. Pour out Your wisdom and blessing on the leaders of my country and purify their hearts. Help our country to be united and create within our people a dependency on You for strength and wisdom. May our country be one that gives You honor and obeys Your commands.


1. What are the areas of your country that need healing?

2. Which specific leaders in your country can you pray over today?

3. What role do you play in making your country a better place?

ڕۆژی 18ڕۆژی 20

About this Plan

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting With Rock City Church

Over the next 21 days we invite you to participate in an intentional time of prayer and fasting with Rock City Church. This devotional will guide you through 21 topics to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with God and those around you. Through highlighted scripture, discussion questions, and prayer, we believe you will experience peace, healing, and a renewed desire to seek God with all of your heart.
