Mark 14
Anointit for his burial. He dreed unco dool wha dreed oors! Judas, and Peter, and the Heigh‐priest, and Pilate: and they aʼ wranyed him!
1Eftir twa days was the Pasche, and the Sad Breid; and the Heigh‐priests and Scribes war coonsellin hoo they coud grip him by knaverie, and slay him.
2For quoʼ they, “No in the Feast; for aiblins thar wad be a bruilzie amang the folk.”
3And he bein in Bethanie, iʼ the hoose oʼ Simon the leper, as he was at meat,#14:3 Mark disna name Mary. She was aiblins still leevin, and it micht be better no to draw the enemiesʼ attention to her. She wasna rich (See Luke 10:40), but she gat this costly India nard, that she might anoint her best freend: “had he no raised her brither frae the deid?” a wumman cam, haein an alabaster oʼ perfume, raal nard, vera costly; and she brak the alabaster, and teemed it ower his heid.
4And thar war some wha war ill‐pleased amang theirsels; and quoʼ they, “For whatna end was the perfume wastit?
5“For it micht hae been sellʼt for mair nor three‐hunner pennies, and hae been gien tae the puir!” And they compleened oʼ her.
6But Jesus said, “Dinna fash her! Why soud ye pit her aboot? A wark ee‐sweet and bonnie has she dune in me.
7“For aye hae ye the puir wʼye; and, whan ye wull, ye may do them gude; but ye hae‐na aye me wiʼ ye.
8“She did what she was able to do; she took it aforehaun to perfume my body for the burial.
9“Truly say I tʼye, whaursoeʼer the Gude‐Tidins sal be cryʼt, throwe the hail warld, eʼen what she did sal be tauld for her memorial!”
10And Judas Iscariot gaed awa to the Heigh‐priests, that he micht deliver him up to them.
11And they war crouse whan they heard it, and promised him siller. And he was takin tent hoo he coud finʼ the richt time to deliver him up.
12And on the first day oʼ the Sad Breid, whan they aye killʼt the Paschal lamb, his disciples speirʼt at him, “Whaur wull ye that we gang and mak ready that we may eat the Pasche?”
13And he sends oot twa oʼ the disciples, and quoʼ he to them, “Gang yere ways intil the citie, and a man wiʼ a stoup oʼ watir sal meet ye: follow him.
14“And whaur he may gang in, say ye to the gudeman oʼ the hoose, ‘The Maister says, Whaur is my lodgins, whaur I may eat the Pasche wiʼ my disciples?’
15“And he himsel wull schaw ye a gudely upper room, plenishʼt and ready: and thar prepare ye for us.”
16And the disciples gaʼed oot, and cam intil the citie, and faund as he had said to them; and they prepared the Pasche.
17And whan the eʼenin cam on, he comes wiʼ the Twalʼ.
18And as they sat and war eatin, Jesus says, “Truly say I tʼye, Ane oʼ you, wha eats wiʼ me, wull betray me!”
19Than begude they to be unco cuisten‐doon, and to say to him, ane by ane, “Is it I?”
20And he said to them, “It is ane oʼ the Twalʼ, and he wha dips wiʼ me iʼ the dish.
21“For the Son oʼ Man bude gang, as it is putten‐doon anent him; but wae for that man by wham the Sonʼ oʼ man is deliverʼt up: weel had it been for him gin he had nevir been born!”
22And as they war eatin, Jesus took breid, and whan he blessʼt, brak it, and gied it to them, and said, “Tak ye, this is my body.”
23And he took a cup; and giean thanks, gied it to them; and they drank oʼt.
24And he said to them, “This is my blude oʼ the Covenant, the blude shed for mony.
25“Truly say I tʼye, Nae mair sal I drink oʼ the frute oʼ the vine, until I drink it anew in the Kingdom oʼ God!”
26And whan they had sung the Psalm, they gaed oot intil the Mount oʼ Olives.
27And Jesus says to them, “Aʼ ye this nicht sal be putten‐aboot because oʼ me: for it is written, ‘I wull clour the Shepherd, and the sheep sal be skailʼt abreid.’
28“But eftir my Up‐risin, I wull gang afore ye intil Galilee.”
29And Peter says to him, “Gin aʼ soud finʼ maitter oʼ offence, yet wull‐not I!”
30And Jesus says to him, “Truly say I tʼye, that you — this day, eʼen this nicht, — afore the cock craw twice, will thrice disown me!”
31But he threepit to him, “Gin I hae to dee wiʼ thee, Iʼll no disown thee!” and siclike said they aʼ.
32And they cam to a place caʼd “Gethsemanie”: and he says to his disciples, “Sit ye here, till I pray.”
33And he taks wiʼ him Peter, and James, and John, and begude to be in unco dool.
34And he says to them, “My saul is unco wae, eʼen till death! bide ye here, and tak gude tent!”
35And he gaed forrit a wee, and loutit doon to the grunʼ, and prayed that — gin it coud be — the ʼoor micht pass by him.
36And he was cryin, “Abba, Faither! Aʼ things are possible to thee! Tak awa this cup frae me!#14:36 Had the cup something inʼt that soudna be inʼt? God kens! Aiblins the bitter was, that men — the vera race he was deein for — soud hae a haun in his death! But gin this war his thocht, was his prayer answerʼt? See Hebrews, v. 7, and note on John 19:34. But, it isna what I will, but what Thou wills!”
37And he comes, and finʼs them sleepin, and says to Peter, “Simon, are ye sleepin? Coud‐ye‐na watch ae ʼoor?
38“Tak tent, and pray! that ye come‐na intil temptation. The spirit is fain, but the flesh is waff.”
39And ance mair he gaed awa, and prayed, sayin the same words.
40And whan he was come back, he faund them sleepin, for that their een war unco heavy; and they kent‐na what to answer him.
41And he cam the third time, and says to them, “Sleep on for a wee, and rest. It is eneuch! The time has come! See! the Son oʼ Man is deliverʼt up intil the hauns oʼ the wicked!
42“Rise! lat us be gaun. Mark! he wha delivers me up is at haun!”
43And at ance, eʼen while he yet spak, comes Judas, ane oʼ the Twalʼ, and wiʼ him a great thrang wiʼ swords and rungs, frae the Heid‐priests and Elders.
44And he wha was deliverin him up had gien them a token; quoʼ he, “Wham I kiss, that is he; grip him, and lead him awa siccar!”
45And comin, he gaes straucht to him, and says, “Maister, Maister!” and kissʼt him.
46And they lay hauns on him, and made him siccar.
47But ane that stude by, drew sword, and attackit the Heid‐priestʼs servin‐man, and strack aff his lug.
48And Jesus answerʼt them, “Are ye come oot, as again a robber, wiʼ swords and rungs to tak me?
49“I was day by day wiʼ ye iʼ the Temple, and ye grippit‐me‐na; but it is that sae the Scriptur micht be fulfilled.”
50And they aʼ desertit him and fled.
51And a young man cam followin wiʼ them, haein a linen claith thrawn rounʼ his body; and they took haud oʼ him.
52But he left the claith wiʼ them, and escapit nakit.
53And they led Jesus aff till the Heigh‐priest; and thar war gaitherʼt thegither aʼ the Heid‐priests and the Elders and the Doctors.
54And Peter had followʼt far ahint, eʼen intil the coort‐yaird oʼ the Heigh‐priest: and he sat wiʼ the servants, and warmed his sel at the lowe.
55Noo the Heid‐priests and aʼ the Cooncil socht for prufe again Jesus, for to pit him to deid: but coudna finʼ ony.
56For mony bure fause‐witness again him; but their tales wadna ʼgree thegither.
57And some stude up, and testifyʼt fausely again him, sayin,
58“We heard him say, ‘I wull puʼ doon this Temple — this made wiʼ hauns — and in thrie days Iʼse bigg anither, no made wiʼ hauns!’ ”
59And no eʼen sae was their testimonie agreein.
60And the Heigh‐priest, risin in the mids, speirʼt at Jesus, sayin, “Div ye answer nocht? What are thir testifyin again ye?”
61But he stude quate, and said nocht. Again the Heigh‐priest speirʼt at him, “Are ye the Anointit, the Son oʼ the Blessed?”
62And Jesus said, “I am; and yeʼse see the Son oʼ Man sittin on the richt haun oʼ Pooer, and comin iʼ the cluds oʼ heeven!”
63And the Heigh‐priest rived his cleedin, and cryʼt he, “What need we ony mair testimonie?
64“Ye hae heard the wicked words: what think ye?” And they aʼ condemned him to be wordie oʼ death.
65And some begude to spit on him; and hid his face and daddit him, sayin, “Prophesie!” And the servitors dang him wiʼ their looves.
66And as Peter was aneath iʼ the coort‐yaird, thar comes ane oʼ the maids oʼ the Heigh‐priest.
67And whan she saw Peter warmin his sel, she narrowly looks at him, and quoʼ she, “And thou was wiʼ the Nazarine — wiʼ Jesus!”
68But he denyʼt, sayin, “I ken‐na him! nor ken I what yeʼre sayin!” And he gaed oot‐by intil the entry; and a cock crew.
69And the maid saw him again; and begude to say to them staunnin aboot, “This is ane oʼ them!”
70And he denyʼt it again. And a wee while eftir, they staunnin by say to Peter, “Truly ye are ane oʼ them; for ye are a Galilee‐man!”
71But he begude bannin and sweirin — “I ken‐na the man ye speak oʼ!”
72And noo the second time a cock crew. And Peter caʼd to mind what Jesus said to them, “Before the cock craw twice, thou wull disown me thrice!” And whan he thocht thar‐on, he grat.
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Mark 14: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.