لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Mark 15

Pilate, and Jesus: and the cross, and the tomb.
1And straucht the Heid‐priests iʼ the mornin coonsellʼt wiʼ the Elders and Doctors, and the hail Cooncil, and bund Jesus, and led him awa and deliverʼt him up to Pilate.
2And Pilate speirʼt at him, “Are ye the King oʼ the Jews?” And answerin, he says to him, “Ye say true.”
3And the Heid‐priests threepit on mony things again him.
4And Pilate again speirʼt at him, “Answer‐ye‐na? See! hoo mony things they lay again ye!”
5But Jesus nae mair answerʼt ocht; sae that Pilate ferlied.
6Noo, at Feast‐time, he aye releasʼt for them a prisoner — wham they micht wale.
7And thar was ane Barabbas; bund wiʼ the insurgents — wha, indeed, in the revolt had committit murder.
8And aʼ the folk gaed up, and begude to seek for him to dae as he had aye done for them.
9And Pilate answerʼt them, “Wad ye that I release tʼye the King oʼ the Jews?”
10For he saw that for jealousie the Heid‐priests had deliverʼt him up.
11But the Heid‐priests wrocht up the folk, that he soud raither release them Barabbas.
12And Pilate was again speirin at them, “What, than, wad ye that I soud do to the King oʼ the Jews?”
13But they cryʼt oot again, “Crucify him!”
14But Pilate said to them, “Why sae? What ill has he dune?” And they cryʼt oot mair furiously, “Crucify him!”
15And Pilate, being fain to please the crood, released Barabbas to them; and deliverʼt #15:15 Waeʼs me for Pilate! He micht hae stude forth as ane oʼ the warldʼs heroes, had he dune the richt! But he had already dune many wrang and unjust, things; and Sautan had him fast bun, haun and fit!up Jesus, first bein scourged, to be crucifyʼt.
16And the sodgers led him awa intil the coort, caʼd “The Pretorium;” and they bring thegither the hail cohort.
17And they cleed him in purple, and they weave a croon oʼ thorns, and pit it on his heid;
18And begude to salute him, “Hail to thee, King oʼ the Jews!”
19And they strack him ower the heid wiʼ a reed; and spat on him, and bent the knee and worshippʼt him.
20And eftir mockin him, they strippit aff the purple, and pat on him his ain cleedin, and led him oot to crucify him.
21And they lay haud oʼ ane Simon, a Cyrenian, comin in frae the kintra‐pairts — faither oʼ Alexander and Rufus — to carry his cross.
22And they bring him to the place “Golgotha,” that is to say “Skull‐place.”
23And they profferʼt him wine wiʼ myrr inʼt; but he wadna haeʼt.
24And they crucifyʼt him; and dividit his cleedin amang them, and cuist lots wha soud hae ocht.
25And it was the third ʼoor, and they crucifyʼt him.
26And the writin oʼ his accusation was ower aboon, “The King oʼ the Jews!”
27And eke wiʼ him they crucify twa robbers; ane on the richt haun, and ane on his left.
28And the Scriptur cam to pass, whilk says, “And wiʼ wrang‐doers was he coontit‐in!”
29And the gangers‐by war miscaʼin him, waggin their heids, and sayin, “Aha! thou wha is takin doon the Temple, and up‐biggin it in thrie days.
30“Save yersel, and come doon frae the cross!”
31And as weel the Heid‐priests, jeerin amang their sels, wiʼ the Writers, said, “He saved ithers; his sel he canna save!
32“The Christ, the King oʼ Israʼl! lat him noo come doon frae the cross, that seein it, we may lippen him!” And the anes crucifyʼt wiʼ him, miscaʼd him.
33And at the mid‐day ʼoor, the mirk cam ower the hail lanʼ, to the ninth ʼoor oʼ the day.
34And at the ninth ʼoor, Jesus cryʼt oot wiʼ a loud voice, “Eloi! Eloi! lama sabachthani!” whilk is, in translation, “My God! My God! why did thou forsake me?”
35And some oʼ the staunners‐by, whan they heard that, said, “He cries on Elijah!”
36And ane ran and filled a sponge wiʼ vinegar, and pat it on a reed, and gied him drink, sayin, “Lat be! let us see gin aiblins Elijah comes to tak him doon!”
37But Jesus, utterin a lood cry, expirʼt.
38And the veil oʼ the Temple was rived in twa, frae the tap to the bottom.
39Noo the Captain wha stude nar, fornent him, seein he sae cryʼt oot and expirʼt, said, “Truly, this man was Godʼs Son!”
40And weemen too war thar, lookin on frae oot‐by: ʼmang wham war Mary Magdalene, and Mary (James the less, and Joseʼs mither), and Salome,
41Wha, whan he was in Galilee, aye followʼt and providit for him; and mony ither weemen wha cam up wiʼ him to Jerusalem.
42And gloamin comin on, and it bein “The Preparation,” that is “Afore the Sabbath,” —
43Thar cam #15:43 Thank God for necessities! Gin thar hadna been the necessity oʼ savin the body oʼ Jesus frae bein cuisten intil a public place, Joseph micht nevir hae pluckʼt up courage eneuch to avow his sel a freend oʼ Jesus! We aft gain by oor losses!Joseph of Arithmathea, a Cooncillor oʼ honorable rank, wha himsel lookit for the Kingdom oʼ God, and gaed openly to Pilate, and craved the body oʼ Jesus.
44And Pilate misdootit whether he was sae sune deid; and caʼd the Captain, and speirʼt at him gin he had been ony time deid?
45And as sune as he kent it oʼ the Captain, he grantit the body to Joseph.
46And he coft fine linen, and takin him doon, rowʼt him iʼ the claith, and laid him in a tomb hewn oot iʼ the rock: and rowʼt a muckle stane to steek the door oʼ the tomb.
47And Mary Magdalene, and Mary, Jamesʼ mither, lookit on, and saw whaur he was laid.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Mark 15: SCO1904


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