لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Mark 13

Jerusalem faʼs. The Gospel spreads. The King sal come! Lat aʼ tak tent!
1And as he gaed oot oʼ the Temple, ane oʼ his followers says, “Maister! gie tent, and see sic stanes, and unco biggins!”
2Jesus said to him, “Are ye lookin at thae great biggins? Thar sal‐na be left ae stane on anither that shanna be whammlʼt ower!”
3And as he sat on the Mount oʼ Olives, fornent the Temple, Peter and James, and John, and Andro, speirʼt at him quately,
4“Tell us, whan sal thir things be? And what the sign whan thir things are comin to pass?”
5And Jesus begude to say to them, “Tak tent that nae man lead ye a‐gley:
6“Mony a ane wull come in my name, sayin, ‘I am he!’ and wull gar mony gang agee.
7“And whan ye hear oʼ weir, and the clash aboot weir, be‐na ye putten‐aboot; for they maun needs come on; but the endin hasna come.
8“For nation sal rise up again nation, and kingdom again kingdom: thar sal be yirdins in a hantle places; and thar maun be famines. Thir are the bearin‐pains comin on.
9“But tak tent to yersels; for they wull gie ye up to hie‐cooncils and kirks; ye maun be cloured; and fornent governors and kings maun ye staun for the sake oʼ me, for a testimonie to them.
10“And the joyfuʼ‐tidins maun first be proclaimed to aʼ the nations.
11“And whan they lead ye, deliverin ye up, be‐na fashin yersels aforehaun what ye sal say; but whatsae sal be gien ye iʼ that ʼoor, that speak; for it isna ye that speak; but the Holie Spirit.
12“And brither wull gie up the brither to deid: and the faither the bairn; and bairns sal rise up again their parents, that they be putten to death.
13“And ye sal be hatit oʼ aʼ men for my sake; but wha tholes to the end, that same sal be saved.
14“But whaneʼer ye see the abomination oʼ the Desolation staunin whaur it soudna be (wha reads, lat him tak tent!), than lat thae wha are in Judea flee to the mountains!
15“And lat him wha is on the hoose‐tap no come doon intil the hoose, nor eʼen gang in to tak onything oot oʼ the hoose;
16“And lat him that is oot‐by iʼ the field no return back to tak awa his coat.
17“But wae for them that are bearin! and for them that gie the breist iʼ thae days!
18“And pray ye that it come‐na iʼ the winter!
19“For thae days sal be a time oʼ dool, sae as thar has been nane sic?-?like, sinʼ the first oʼ the creation that God creatit, eʼen till noo, and nevir sal be.
20“And gin the Lord shortened‐na the days, nae flesh wad be saved; but for the sake oʼ his ain, wham he waled oot for his sel, he shortens the days.
21“And, at that time, gin ony ane says tʼye, ‘See! here is the Christ!’ or ‘See there!’ lippen him na;
22“For thar sal staun up fause Christs, and fause prophets, and wull schaw tokens and wunner‐warks, that they may lead awa, gin it war possible, eʼen the chosen anes.
23“But tak ye tent! See, I hae tauld ye aʼ things aforehaun!
24“But in thae days, eftir that dool and stour, the sun sal be darkenʼt, and the mune sanna gie oot her licht,
25“And the starns sal faʼ frae the lift, and the pooers abune sal be shaken.
26“And than sal they see the Son oʼ Man comin iʼ the cluds, wiʼ unco pooer and glorie.
27“And than sal he send oot his Angels, and sal gaither thegither his chosen anes frae the fowr winds, frae the ootermaist pairt oʼ the yirth to the ootermaist oʼ heeven.
28“Noo learn ye a parable frae the fig‐tree: whaneʼer her branch is bein tenʼer, and the leaves comin on, ye ken simmer is nar‐haun;
29“Sae ye, whaneʼer ye see thir things comin on, tak tent that it is nar — at the vera doors!
30“Truly say I tʼye, this generation passes‐na awa, till aʼ thir things sal be!
31“Heeven and Yirth sal pass awa; but my words sal‐na pass awa!
32“But, oʼ that day and that ʼoor kens nane; no eʼen the angels in Heeven; nor the Son; but the Faither.
33“Tak ye tent! watch and pray! for ye kenna whan the time is.
34“As a man bidin in a far‐awa lanʼ; wha has left his hoose, and gien authoritie to his servants; to ilka ane his wark; and commandit the porter to tak gude tent;
35“Tak ye gude tent, thar‐for! for ye kenna whan the maister oʼ the hoose comes hame; gin it be at eʼen, or at midnicht, or at the cock crawin, or at the dawin;
36“Least, comin on ye oʼ a suddaintie, he find ye sleepin!
37“And what I say to you, I say to aʼ — tak tent!#13:37 Tak tent! Tharʼs baith the destruction oʼ Jerusalem and the end oʼ the warld here; and ane needs be wyss to redd them oot. And eftir aʼs dune, we kenna weel what is what. We maun be watchfuʼ and ready!

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Mark 13: SCO1904


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