لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Acts 2

The wondrous day oʼ Pentecost. Aʼ folk hear the word iʼ their ain tongue. Mony brocht in; and they aʼ bide thegither in love.
1And whan the day oʼ Pentecost was come aboot, they were aʼ thegither in ae place.
2And aʼ of a suddent cam the sough oʼ a michty rushin wunʼ, and it filled aʼ the place whaur they sat;
3And thar was seen amang them like dividit tongues oʼ fire, on ilka ane oʼ them.
4And they war aʼ fuʼ oʼ the #2:4 Jesus promisʼt that whan he gaed awa hame, he wad send them the Holie Spirit. And noo they wad ken the Maister had gotten his ain, and was safe at hame, whan the promise cam!Holie Spirit, and spak wiʼ ither tongues, as the Spirit gied them words.
5Noo thar war bidin at Jerusalem gude men oot oʼ aʼ kintries ʼneath the skies.
6And whan the sough oʼ this gat oot, the thrang cam aʼ thegither, and kent‐na what to think, whan they heard them speak, ilka man in his ain tongue.
7And they war sair amazed, and ferlied, sayin, “Arena aʼ thae that speak folk oʼ Galilee?
8“And hoo isʼt we hear ilk in oor ain tongue in whilk we war born?
9“Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the folk wha bide in Mesapotamia, and in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia,
10“In Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and frae Lybia aboot Cyrene, and visitors frae Rome, and eke Jews, and proselytes,
11“Cretans and Arabians — we hear them speakin in oor ain tongues oʼ Godʼs wunner‐warks!”
12And they war aʼ amazed, and in a swither, sayin ane to anither, “What maun aʼ this be?”
13But some, jeerin, said, “Thir men hae been made fuʼ wiʼ new wine!”
14But Peter, staunin up, wiʼ the Eleeven, lift up his voice, and quoʼ he, “Men, Jews! and aʼ ye wha dwall at Jerusalem! be this kent tʼye aʼ: and gie ye hearin to my words!
15“For thir arena drucken, as ye jalouse, it bein but nine oʼclock.
16“But this is what was spoken by Joel the prophet:
17“ ‘And it sal be iʼ the hinnermaist days, says God, I teem oot my Spirit on aʼ flesh; and yere sons and yere dochters sal prophesie, and yere young men sal see visions, and yere auld men sal dream their dreams.
18“ ‘And eʼen on my servitors and my handmaids iʼ thae days sal I teem oot oʼ my Spirit; and they sal prophesie.
19“ ‘And I sal gie ferlies iʼ the lift aboon, and tokens iʼ the yirth under; blude and fire‐flauchts, and blindin reek.
20“ ‘The sun sal turn to mirkness, and the mune to blude, afore the comin oʼ the day oʼ the Lord — the great and notable day!
21“ ‘And it sal be, that ilka ane wha sal caʼ on the name oʼ the Lord sal be saved!’
22“Ye men oʼ Israel! hear thir words! Jesus the Nazarene, a man sutten apairt amang ye by wunner‐warks, and ferlies and tokens, whilk God wrocht by him amang ye; as ye ken yer sels,
23“Him, bein (iʼ the marked‐oot coonsel and fore‐kennin oʼ God) deliverʼt up, ye by the hauns oʼ lawless anes hae crucifyʼt and slain.
24“Wham God raised up, lowsin the stounʼs oʼ death; for it coudna be possible he soud be hauden oʼt.
25“For Dauvid spak anent him: ‘I saw the Lord, aye fornent me; for he is at my richt haun that I soudna trimle:
26“ ‘Sae was my heart blythe, and my tongue rejoicʼt; aye, and mair, my flesh sal eke bide in hope:
27“ ‘For thou winna desert my saul iʼ the place oʼ spirits, nor will thou gie thy Holie Ane to see corruption.
28“ ‘Thou did mak me to ken the paths oʼ life; thou shalt mak me fuʼ oʼ joy iʼ thy presence.’
29“Men! Brethren! may I no speak freely tʼye oʼ the patriarch Dauvid, that he, his sel, baith deeʼt and was buryʼt, and his tomb is amang us to this day?
30“But bein a prophet, and kennin that God had sworn wiʼ an aith to him, that amang his bairns Ane soud sit on his thron;
31“He, forseein this, spak oʼ the Risin‐Again oʼ Christ; that naither his saul was desertit iʼ the place oʼ spirits, nor his flesh saw corruption.
32“This Jesus has God raised up; and we are aʼ witnesses oʼt.
33“Sae, bein by Godʼs richt haun up‐liftit, and winnin frae the Faither the promise oʼ the Holie Spirit, he has shed forth this whilk ye noo see and hear.
34“For Dauvid ascendit‐na intil the Heevens; but his sel said, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my richt haun,
35“ ‘Till I mak a fit‐brod oʼ thy faes!’
36“Noo than, lat aʼ Israelʼs hoose ken for a certaintie, that God has made him baith Maister and Anointit — this Jesus, wham ye crucifyʼt.”
37And whan they heard this, they war struck to the heart, and said to Peter and the lave oʼ the Apostles, “Men! Brethren! what are we to do?”
38And Peter said, “Repent ye, and be bapteezʼt iʼ the name oʼ Jesus Christ — for the pittin‐awaʼ oʼ yere sins; and ye sal win the gift oʼ the Holie Spirit.
39“For the promise is to you, and your bairns, and to aʼ thae far‐awa; eʼen to as mony as the Lord oor God may caʼ to him.”
40And wiʼ mony mair words testifyʼt he, sayin, “Deliver yersels frae this thrawart generation!”
41Than they that welcomed his word till them war bapteezʼt; and that day war addit aboot three thoosand sauls.
42And they bade steive iʼ the teachinʼ oʼ the Apostles, and in fellowship, in the breckin oʼ breid, and iʼ the prayers.
43And fear fell on ilka ane; and mony war the wunner‐warks and tokens throwe the Apostles.
44And aʼ the believin anes war thegither, and had aʼ things throwe‐ither.
45And they sellʼt their mailins and haddins, and portioned aʼ oot, as ony ane had need.
46And day by day, bidin aye thegither iʼ the Temple, and breckin breid frae hoose to hoose they did tak their meat wiʼ blythe and aefauld hearts;
47Laudin God, and haein gude‐wull oʼ aʼ the folk. And the Lord addit daily oʼ the saved.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Acts 2: SCO1904


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