لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Acts 3

The lameter at the “Bonnie” yett. The fearless preachin oʼ Peter. Nae mair denials noo.
1Noo Peter and John war gaun into the Temple for the ʼoor oʼ prayer: thrie oʼclock.
2And a lameter, feckless frae his mitherʼs womb, was eʼen noo carryʼt; wham they set doon daily at the yett that is caʼd “Bonnie”; to seek awmous frae thae gaun intil the Temple;
3Wha, seein Peter and John gaun forrit to the Temple, socht frae them an awmous.
4And Peter, settin his een on him — and sae did John — said to him, “Look ye on us!”
5But he was mindin them, as lookin for something frae them.
6Than Peter said, “Siller‐and‐gowd bide‐na wiʼ me; but what I hae gie I tʼye! In the name oʼ Jesus Christ oʼ Nazareth, rise ye, and gang!”
7And he took him by the richt haun, and strauchtit him up; and strenth com intil his feet and cuit?-?banes.
8And lowpin up, he stude, and gaed. And he gaed wiʼ them intil the Temple; gangin, and lowpin, and giean praise to God.
9And aʼ the folk saw him, gangin, and laudin God.
10And they saw and kent that it was he that sat at the “Bonnie” yett oʼ the Temple; and they war aʼ fuʼ oʼ wunner and misdoot at what had befaun him.
11And as the lameter that was made hale grippit Peter and John, aʼ the folk panged thegither aboot them in the porch caʼd “Solomonʼs Porch,” unco fuʼ oʼ wunner.
12And whan Peter saw this, he spak: “Ye men oʼ Israʼl! whaurfor ferlie ye at this man? or glower sae at us as gin by some pooer or holiness oʼ oor ain we had garʼt this man to gang?
13“The God oʼ Abraʼm, oʼ Isaac, and oʼ Jaucob, the God oʼ oor faithers, has glorifyʼt his Son Jesus; wham ye gied up, and disowned him fornent Pilateʼs face, when he was mindit to assoilzie him.
14“But ye disowned the Holie and the Richtous, and socht for a favor a murderer to be gien tʼye.
15“And slew him wha brocht Life! wham God has raised frae the deid; oʼ the whilk we are witnesses.
16“And by lippenin on his name, has his name garʼt this man to hae strenth, wham ye see and ken: aye, eʼen this lealness that comes by him, has gien this perfete soondness fornent ye aʼ.
17“And noo, brethren! I wat that throwe want oʼ wit ye did it — as eʼen yere rulers.
18“But the things that God schawed afore‐haun, throwe the mouʼ oʼ aʼ the prophets, that the Anointit Ane soud dree, has he sae brocht to be.
19“And noo, repent ye, and turn again, that aʼ yere ill deeds may be scored oot; sae as times oʼ refreshin may come frae afore the face oʼ the Lord!
20“And that he may send Christ Jesus, wha before was gien tʼye.
21“Wham the Heeven maun welcome, to the time oʼ restorin oʼ aʼ things, oʼ whilk God has spoken by the mooth oʼ aʼ the holie prophets that hae been sinʼ the warld begude.
22“For Moses#3:22 Tent ye, hoo ane maun aye staun on the same grund as anither, before he can convince him! Noo, they baith held to Moses and the prophets; “and,” quoʼ Peter, “they aʼ spak oʼ Jesus!” And a hantle oʼ them lippenʼd the word. said, ‘A Prophet sal the Lord God raise up to ye frae mang yere brethren, like me; him sal ye hear, whatsaeʼer he may say tʼye.
23“ ‘And sae it sal be, that every saul that winna hear that Prophet, sal be cuttit‐aff frae ʼmang the folk.’
24“Aye, and aʼ the prophets, frae Samuʼl and aʼ that followʼt, as mony as spak, tellʼt oʼ thir days.
25“Ye are the bairns oʼ the prophets, and oʼ the covenant that God covenantit wiʼ oor faithers, sayin to Abraʼm, ‘And in yere ain seed sal aʼ the hoosehaulds oʼ the yirth be blessʼd!’
26“To you first, God, raisin up his Son, sent him blessin ye, in yere turnin awa, ilk ane oʼ ye, frae yere sins!”

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Acts 3: SCO1904


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