لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Acts 1

Luke deedicates a second buik to his freend. Peter and the lave wad pit ane in Judasʼ place.
1The first historie I made, O Theophilus, anent aʼ that Jesus begude baith to do and to teach,
2Till whatna day he was taen up, eftir that he had by the Holie Spirit gien commauns to the Apostles he had waled oot;
3And to wham he schawed his sel leevin eftir his sufferans, by mony sure and certain tokens, appearin to them throwe forty days, and speakin oʼ the things anent the kingdom oʼ God.
4And companyin wiʼ them, chairged them no to gang awa frae Jerusalem, but to bide for the promise oʼ the Faither, “Whilk,” quoʼ he, “ye hae heard oʼ me.
5“For in sooth John bapteezʼt wiʼ watir, but ye sal be bapteezʼt in Holie Spirit no mony days frae noo!”
6And sae they, whan they cam thegither, speirʼt at him, “Lord, do thou at this time bring back the kingdom to Israʼl?”
7And he said to them, “It isna for you to ken times and seasons, whilk the Faither has keepit in his ain haun.
8“But ye sal hae strenth, eftir the Holie Spirit is come to ye; and ye sal be witnesses for me baith in Jerusalem, and in aʼ Judea and Samaria, and to the far‐awaʼ ends oʼ the yirth.”
9And whan he had said thir things, while they war lookin on, he was liftit up; and a clud happit him oot oʼ their sicht.
10And while they lookit, peerin intil the heevens, as he gaed up, twa men stude by them in white cleedin;
11Wha said, “Ye men frae Galilee! why staun ye peerin intil the lift? The same Jesus, wha has been taʼen frae you intil Heeven, sal come in like mainner as ye hae seen him gang intil Heeven.”
12Than to Jerusalem they returned frae the Mount Olivet, whilk is nar‐haun Jerusalem — a Sabbath‐dayʼs journey aff.
13And whan they enterʼt, they gaed up intil the laft, whaur they bade; baith Peter, and John, and James, and Andro, Philip and Tammas, Bartholomie and Matthew, James (he oʼ Alpheus), and Simon the Zealot, and Judas oʼ James.
14Thae aʼ bade wiʼ ae mind in prayer; wiʼ certain weemen; and Mary, Jesusʼ mither, and wiʼ his brithers.
15And iʼ thae days stude Peter up iʼ the mids oʼ the brethren, and said (thar war a hantle oʼ folk thegither — aboot sax score),
16“Men, brethren! the Scriptur needit to be brocht to pass, whilk the Holie Spirit iʼ Dauvid spak afore, anent Judas, wha airtit thae that grippit Jesus.
17“For he was countit wiʼ us, and had gien to him a pairt in this service.
18(“Noo this ane gaitherʼt to him a field oot oʼ the reward oʼ iniquity; and faʼin heidlang, he brak throwe iʼ the mids, and aʼ his inwarts teemed oot.
19“And it was kent till aʼ the folk oʼ Jerusalem; sae that yon field they caʼd ‘Aceldama,’ or The Field oʼ Blude.)
20“For it is putten doon iʼ the buik oʼ the Psalms, ‘Lat his dwallin be desolate, and nae man bide tharin; and his overseein lat anither ane tak.’
21“Sae, oot oʼ the men wha #1:21 This gars us see thar was a hantle oʼ followers and weel‐wishers forby the Twal! Folk whiles mak the mistak oʼ Elijah, thinkin thar are few or nane oʼ the godly to the fore (I. Kings, xix. 10).hae cuisten in their lot wiʼ us, aʼ the days the Lord Jesus was ower us — gaun in and oot —
22“Beginnin at the Bapteezin oʼ John, to the day he was taen up frae us, ane oʼ thae bude be a witness wiʼ us oʼ his Risin.”
23And they pat twa forrit; Joseph, caʼd Barsabas, and wha was forenamed “Justus” — and Matthias.
24And prayin, they said, “Lord, thou wha kens the hearts oʼ aʼ, lat it be kent whilk ane oʼ thir twa thou dost wale oot,
25“To tak the place in this service and apostleship, frae whilk Judas gaed agley, that he micht gang to his ain place.”
26And they gied oot their lots for them; and the faʼ was for Matthias; and he was coontit in ane wiʼ the Eleeven.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Acts 1: SCO1904


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