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Take The Help

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He Helps Us Pray

Having a prayer life is essential and before we even learn how to read and meditate on God’s word I think we all know how to utter a prayer to God. People pray all the time for blessings, breakthroughs, open doors, favor, good health and the keeping of our families. But I am sure sometimes, you believed you prayed hard and long, and the answer never came the way you prayed. Or perhaps you have been in a place where the situation was so bad you did not even have the words to pray. I have been on both sides of these prayers, and during those times I believed God failed me and if you are honest I am sure you have also felt that way. 

As you grow in your relationship with the Holy Spirit becoming more aware of his presence and fellowshipping with him, you realize that praying is so much more than asking for blessings for yourself and your family but prayer actually becomes the bridge for God’s heart to be known in the earth. As a Pastor it can become overwhelming with prayer requests flowing in from our media ministry, local church, praying for the community, the country, nations and individual needs. Only helped by the Holy Spirit could all these prayers be made known. The Holy Spirit knows what the will of God is for our lives, did you get that? he knows the will of God, and he also knows what is in our hearts. Sometimes what is in our hearts is not always the will that God has for us, and those are the times we might not have received the answer we were hoping for. 

Over the years I have learnt how to yield myself to the Holy Spirit saying something like this, “Holy Spirit, I don’t know exactly what the will of God is here, and I am not sure my desire is his right now, but I yield myself to you, and I ask you to help me pray your will in this situation.” It is that simple, and then there are times I try praying for someone or something, and I don’t have the words, and in those times I prayed in the spirit using my heavenly tongue. In that way, I know the Holy Spirit is praying through me for the will of God which I could never have known by my flesh.

Maybe you are at this place of not knowing the will of God for a particular situation, and you have run out of words, I want to encourage you to yield your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit and ask him to help you pray His will today.

Holy Spirit I need your help to pray for my life today. 

Dia 3Dia 5

Sobre aquest pla

Take The Help

We all go thru life running on self-effort, and we eventually get to the “pulling out our hair” moments from all that we must deal with daily. However, did you know that our Heavenly Father gave  us a helper? This helper supersedes all our natural abilities and once we get to the point of total dependence life becomes easier- “Would you take the help today?”
