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Take The Help

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He Helps Us Lead Godly Lives

With so much access to the world through technology, our desires are satisfied in real time. Long ago one had to think long and hard of how to satisfy the lust of the eyes and flesh. Pornography was not as accessible as it is today, one can be exposed to indecent images by just scrolling your social media pages. People can feed their lusts from the privacy of their bedrooms, and no one will know. The dress code of our culture leaves nothing to the imagination when all our body parts are bared for all to see. I remember a time when watching a kissing scene on TV with my mom in the room would cause shame to arise in me and cause me to look away. Now, our billboards and commercials expose so much more to feed the eyes that shame and embarrassment is a thing of the past. We can now feed our soul with runway shows of lingerie models and have no qualms about it because in today’s world less is actually more. I know this scenario sounds extreme but the truth is this is the world, and if we do not have the help needed, we too can fall prey to the devil’s schemes. 

To combat the sinful desires that still seek to raise its head in our lives, we must have a mind stayed on Christ and his word. When images are being launched at us from every side, we must have an antidote for it. The Holy Spirit helps us to remember the scriptures we read every day if we ask him. Once we read the word, we must spend time meditating on it, going over it, speaking it. Through this process, it gets lodged in our memory, so when evil arises we can call on the Holy Spirit, and he will bring back to our memory everything needed at that moment to overcome the desires, not of him. This life we live must now be lived with the Helper in mind, being conscious that he is there every minute of the day and he never leaves. 

Once the seed of Christ is deposited in us, we now must nourish that seed by reading the word, meditating on the word, speaking the word and hiding the word in our hearts. As we practice the word, the Spirit bears fruit in our lives, and we can overcome hate with love, chaos with peace, tribulation with patience, trials with joy, rudeness with kindness and so on. I know everyone wants a quick fix, and so do I. Often I think about Jesus leaving the earth and perhaps he could have just raptured the disciples with him. But the Holy Spirit had to come so simple, imperfect people like us could be saved, cleansed, transformed and be witnesses of God’s great love. Let us try to enlist the help of the Holy Spirit today, to meditate on the word of God and hide it in our hearts so the fruit of him will have room to bloom in our lives.

Holy Spirit, please help me to remember what I read from your word so I may overcome the evil of my day.

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Take The Help

We all go thru life running on self-effort, and we eventually get to the “pulling out our hair” moments from all that we must deal with daily. However, did you know that our Heavenly Father gave  us a helper? This helper supersedes all our natural abilities and once we get to the point of total dependence life becomes easier- “Would you take the help today?”
