

Dia 4 de 7



Something is happening across the earth right now. Amongst believers, there is a desperate hunger for the power of God. Amongst non-believers there is a unique openness to faith and the supernatural. We are in a special time where the Church is hungry, and the world is open; we are in a HOLY MOMENT.

Not only are people hungry for God, but God is also responding to His people. Over the last year we are seeing more miracles, signs and wonders both inside and outside of the church. Some call it revival, some call it an outpouring, whatever it is – this is a holy moment. Faith is rising, hunger is stirring, and God is moving in an unprecedented way.

In Exodus 3 we come across one of the most famous bible stories of all time. The story of the burning bush. This is one of the first times we see in the bible that God reveals his tangible presence to humanity. God comes in the form of a consuming fire, a picture of presence and power. And as Moses approaches this extraordinary moment, God makes an interesting request.

“Moses, take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is Holy ground”. When I recently read this verse, the words jumped right off the page, and I felt God say to me; we are on HOLY GROUND. This moment that we find ourselves in is a HOLY moment. And we ought to treat God’s presence with honor, respect, and humility. This is not saying that we must literally take our shoes off every time we go into church, but we must take a heart posture that recognizes and reveres the mighty presence of God.

Are we aware that the God of the universe dwells among us? That the God who created the heavens and the earth, who holds the future in His hands, comes and moves in us? This is more than a privilege, but something we can take for granted.

We can often treat God so casually. We walk into church with our coffees, our expectations, and our wish lists. We want God to move on our terms, and within our preferences. We don’t treat our time with God as sacred, we just get to church when it works for us. If it’s too cold we stay at home and livestream church, If it’s too hot we go to the beach and try to catch church on demand. For some of us we only go to church within the right temperature window. We choose weekend birthday parties over a weekly conviction, we choose sleep-ins over serving, we choose cafes over community, and we wonder why God doesn’t move in our life.

Can I submit to you, that maybe instead of bringing our demands, we should bring our sacrifice. Our mindset must shift from ‘what can I get’ to ‘what can I bring’.

Any time someone comes to our home, we vacuum the house, we mop the floors, we dust the furniture, and we scrub the doors. We meticulously move through the house, spending hours on preparing it so it is fit for our guest. Why? Because we want to honor them, we want to steward their time, and we want to value their presence. How much more should we be honoring the presence of God?

When we honor God’s presence, we make room for heaven to invade earth. We create an atmosphere of faith where anything can take place. Now more than ever before, the earth is open, and heaven is willing. Today, we find ourselves in a HOLY moment, and God is on the move.


1.Reflect on a time when you have had a significant encounter with God?

2.What are you hungry for and how can you steward this moment?


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God calls us into a life of Holiness. A life that is set apart and different from the rest of the world. The greatest witness to a generation that is far from God, is a generation that is set apart for Him. Living a life that is ‘Holy’ will speak louder than any sermon we preach, so join us for a 7-day devotional on Holiness.
