

Dia 2 de 7



Not only is God Holy, but He calls us to be Holy like Him. In 2022, one of the biggest songs from around the world was a song called ‘unholy’. A song celebrating sex, lust, unfaithfulness, and greed was leading the charts and being sang by people all over the world. I don’t bring this song up to criticize the artist (who is an incredibly gifted singer and song writer) or to pick apart the lyrics, the real issue with this song is that it is a snapshot of the culture, and a reflection of this generation.

The sad reality is that we live in a world that is perverse and unbelieving. Society celebrates what is crude, it sells sexualization, and it honors immorality. Our culture pushes the idea of doing whatever you want, and being whoever you want to be. We are a culture that follows our feelings, determines our own truth, and we cancel anyone who doesn’t agree with us.

At one time, society was built on Godly morals and values, however now those same foundations have been torn down under the guise of inclusion, acceptance, and political correctness. Humanity has pushed so far away from God, that any form or mention of Christianity is met with criticism and persecution.

But in the dark, the light shines all the brighter.

We have never seen a greater opportunity to represent Jesus to our world, than right now. The greatest witness to a generation that is far from God, is a generation that is close to Him. This is why how we live, is more important than what we say.

We are not called to live like the world. We are called to live HOLY. As believers of Jesus and followers of Christ we march to a different drum, we think differently, we speak differently, and we live differently. Where the world values promiscuity, the kingdom values purity. Where the world values convenience, the kingdom values commitment. When the world speaks death, the Kingdom speaks life. When the world drives division, the Kingdom pushes peace. When the sound of a generation is ‘unholy’, we must let a new song rise that is ‘HOLY’.

Yes we live IN this world, but we are not OF this world. We are called to live higher and set our minds and our hearts on things above. The thing that speaks louder than any sermon we preach, is when we choose to live a life that is ‘Holy’. God calls you and I to live a different way, a Godly way, a higher way, a better way, A HOLY WAY.


1.What are some of the influences in my life that have caused me to live in an unholy way?

2.What are some things I can change today to live to a higher calling and standard for my life?

Dia 1Dia 3

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God calls us into a life of Holiness. A life that is set apart and different from the rest of the world. The greatest witness to a generation that is far from God, is a generation that is set apart for Him. Living a life that is ‘Holy’ will speak louder than any sermon we preach, so join us for a 7-day devotional on Holiness.
