A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With JesusMostra

A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With Jesus

Dia 3 de 6

From Guilty to Holy

Day and night they never stopped singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the all-powerful God, who was and is and is coming!”
Revelation 4:8b (CEV)

Dad said not to ride your skateboard near his truck, but you did it anyway. Now the door is scratched.

Your brother is annoying, and you can’t stop fighting with him, so mom is mad at both of you.

Your friends at school were making fun of a friend of yours from the neighborhood and you joined in, so now she won’t talk to you.

Ugh. We all act selfishly and make the wrong choices sometimes. We do what we want to do, and we end up hurting each other and ourselves. It can leave us feeling guilty.

God is the opposite. He is holy. He never does anything out of selfishness. He never does anything wrong! There seems to be a hopeless divide between a holy God and us. But God sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross, taking the punishment for our sin. Jesus offers to forgive us of our sins and make us holy. He doesn’t leave us to feel guilty with no hope. When we ask him into our lives, we become holy like him and he changes us so we don’t want to be selfish anymore.

Today’s Scripture talks about how all the creatures of the world will sing forever to God, proclaiming his holiness! It is because he is so holy that we have hope to be holy, too, and to be with him forever. Take a moment to praise your holy God today!


When you stay connected to Jesus through prayer and reading Scripture, you grow closer to him and he helps you become holy. Doodle the following words on some paper or a journal, and as you do, think about their connection to Jesus. Thank him for who he is today!

  • Jesus
  • Glory
  • Forgive
  • Perfect
  • Right
  • Cross
  • Pray


Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins. Please keep changing my heart.


Related passages: These additional verses will help you expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Leviticus 20:26

Psalm 51:10–11

2 Timothy 1:9

Hebrews 12:10

Dia 2Dia 4

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A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With Jesus

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