A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With JesusMostra

A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With Jesus

Dia 1 de 6

In Step with the Commander

Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share that same comfort with others in trouble.
2 Corinthians 1:3–4 (CEV)

Not every day is a good day, and sometimes bad days line up in a row feeling like one gut-punch after another. Maybe it’s the dread of an upcoming school assignment, or a friend not treating you with kindness and you are just over it, or friend or close family member moving away.

Here’s the thing to know: Jesus feels your pain. He gathers your tears and holds you when you cry. It might not seem like it because you can’t see him, but, through the Holy Spirit, he is always right beside you. He promises better days are coming and he will be with you through all the bad and good.

Some people feel like the pain would stop if they hurt themselves. But that would only make things worse. Never, ever do that. Instead, find someone to talk to about your emotions. Keep looking until you find help. There are so many people out there who care about you. God often sends his help through good people around you.

The bad days won’t last forever. Ask Jesus to help you feel him with you, find the good people, and see the beauty in life. Hold on until the good days come again!


Human beings have so many different emotions. On good days you might feel different emotions than you do on bad days. This week, take a few minutes each day to think about the different emotions you felt that day. On days when you are feeling down, ask Jesus to be your comfort. He is always with you!


Lord, some days are pretty bad. Thanks for helping me get through them!


Related passages: These additional verses will help you expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Isaiah 49:13

Psalm 42:11

Psalm 56:8

Revelation 7:17

Dia 2

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A Kid's Guide To: Everyday Is a New Day With Jesus

Sometimes life brings hard things, and often it can feel hopeless. But God is always there through the difficult days. In this 6-day devotional, designed specially for kids aged 8-12, you'll learn how to break free from sadness and fear and enter into a new day with Jesus.
