Our Daily Bread: Serving TogetherMostra

Our Daily Bread: Serving Together

Dia 8 de 10

Growing Beyond

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. -1 Corinthians 9:22

The first immigrants to the United States put down roots and nurtured their descendants, encouraging growth in new generations.

These pioneers provide us an example of those who give their best—in contrast to those who seek only what they can gain or conquer.

Immigrants who love the land where they find shelter even more than their birthplace choose a new life, learn a new language, enjoy new foods, and join in new dances.

The apostle Paul experienced a different kind of new life—in Christ. Leaving behind his old ways of being and doing, he reached others as a disciple-maker and church planter.

Embracing different peoples, Paul declared, “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Philippians 3:12). Paul’s new life as a Christ follower did not simply require him to adjust to different peoples, but to pursue new perspectives, adapting to share the gospel in diverse places.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ are transformed to new life in Him and become focused and fruitful in serving others of many cultures beyond their own.

As immigrants to a new life in Christ, let us be rooted, growing, and fruitful. Let us not simply have relationships out of convenience, culture, and personal gain.

Rather, let’s grow beyond ourselves to serve others, understanding that we are all indebted to Jesus Christ.

Hector and Laura Teme

What can you do today to begin to build a future that you wish to see in this nation for yourself and others?

Lord Jesus, help me contribute to this nation and to those who are around me. Guide me to be a bridge for my children, and others’ children as well, to enjoy what we are building. Amen.

Dia 7Dia 9