Our Daily Bread: Serving TogetherMostra

Our Daily Bread: Serving Together

Dia 10 de 10

Worshiping Together

All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord. -Psalm 86:9

We were raised in the core of our church. Worship has been part of our being since childhood—and not simply because we were the pastor’s children. Worshiping together in the church led us to serve one another, inside and outside the church.

Worshiping God changes our focus on ourselves to our spiritual family, the church. It changes the focus on our ways to the ways of God.

We can cite many influences on our decision to serve God, but the one that gave us the reason to serve others was the worship of God. There is power when the church, throughout the ages, cultures, and many languages, worships God together, knowing He “alone” is God (Psalm 86:10).

Since the time of the early church, worshiping together was regular. There is no more powerful environment than when we worship God. Everything changes. When we worship together in unity, power, and brotherhood, it makes us all stronger.

Worshiping God is diverse and adjusts to any culture. Today’s worship does not look like how it was done one hundred years ago.

Worship styles change according to the cultures, but the biblical principle of worshiping God should not change.

Are you serving and worshiping where God placed you, or do you long to be in the place of your origin? As a family, we have decided to worship God where He has placed us in this new season in a new nation.

Josh and Sayra Morales

What can you contribute, as a Hispanic worshiper, to the new culture you are in?

Lord, may my service to Your kingdom and my community transcend my place of origin. Let my conviction be to worship You and to serve my neighbor no matter where I may be.


Dia 9