

Dia 11 de 19

Acts 13-14

What’s Happening?

These chapters recount Paul and his ministry partners’ first missionary journey. Peter has proclaimed to the church that the gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit are also for the Gentiles, or non-Jewish peoples. The task of witnessing to the end of the earth has begun.

The Holy Spirit speaks to the church at Antioch, calling Saul (now Paul) and a man named Barnabas to be set apart for the work of the Lord. The Spirit sends them out, and the two men visit several regions, boldly sharing the good news as they go.

Paul and Barnabas visit a synagogue on the Sabbath day and are invited to speak to the people. Paul stands in the synagogue and tells of God’s faithfulness to Israel from the very beginning of the nation’s history.

Tracing Jesus’ lineage through King David, Paul concludes that the gospel is the fulfillment of every single one of God’s promises to Israel, declaring that forgiveness of sins through Jesus offers freedom that the law could not.

Those who hear this are hungry to know more, and despite persecution from the Jewish leaders, the word of the Lord continues to spread as Paul and Barnabas are filled with the Holy Spirit and share with boldness.

After proclaiming the gospel, performing miracles, and enduring intense persecution in many more regions, Paul and Barnabas return to cities in which churches have been established so that they can encourage believers by sharing how God is on the move among the Gentiles.

What do we learn?

The Holy Spirit did not call Paul and Barnabas to participate in God’s mission because they were qualified. He moves through those who are willing to embark, to evangelize, to endure, and to encourage for the sake of the gospel.

What should we do?

Is there anything that you are hesitant to let God do through you? Take some time to ask yourself the following questions and talk to the Lord about them:

Embark: Am I willing to go outside of my comfort zone?

Evangelize: Am I willing to share the gospel with boldness?

Endure: Am I willing to face trials that come with following Jesus?

Encourage: Am I willing to fellowship with other believers and build one another up?

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The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.
