

Dia 10 de 19

Acts 12

What’s Happening?

King Herod began persecuting the Christians of the area which made the Jews happy. He sought after James and Peter, successfully executing James, but only arresting Peter to try him later. While in prison, an angel woke Peter and helped him escape prison and lead him out of the city. Considering what took place was real and not a dream, Peter realized it was the Lord who helped him escape and kept him from dying at the hand of Herod and the Jews.

That night Peter went to Mary’s house (the mother of John Mark). Upon arrival, the servant who answered the gate ran to Mary and her household to tell them Peter was there. They did not believe him because they knew he had been in prison. However, when they saw him they rejoiced. He told them what God had done and left.

When the sun rose, the soldiers were confused at Peter’s escape. Herod could not find Peter, therefore he had the guards executed.

Soon after, during bad relations with another country, Herod went to listen to their plees. When the people appealed to Herod, they called him a god. Herod took the glory and was struck down by God because of this. Despite the opposition from Herod, the word of God was still spread and multiplied among the people.

After all of this, Saul and Barnabas returned to Jerusalem with John Mark.

What do we learn?

In this chapter we see the hand of God preserving His word despite opposition from earthly powers. Herod tried to strike the disciples down, but God intervened. This goes to show the power of God’s word and His care to protect it. We have Bible’s today that they did not at the time of Acts. Praise God today for preserving His word so that you may hear from Him.

What should we do?

Consider the boldness of Peter to follow the Lord despite opposition and threat of death. Take some time today that you may be just as bold when met by small or great opposition from your friends, family, or the world.

Dia 9Dia 11

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The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.
