Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?Mostra

Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?

Dia 5 de 5

In the Rooftop Moments  

At this point you may begin feeling like a failure when we look at how David seemingly always responded correctly in these moments of his life and in conjunction with God’s sovereignty. But in the passage today we find a time that David most certainly failed in allowing God’s sovereignty to reign in what we are calling the “rooftop moments.” These are the moments in life where we are tempted to believe that what God has allowed and has given us is not enough to satisfy. 

In this passage, David walks upon his roof one day, sees this married woman named Bathsheba and desires to be with her. Keep in mind that David was a married man which means God had already provided David a wife. In this passage, David’s actions reveal a dissatisfaction. David went from saying “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” in Psalm 23 to feeling in this moment that the things God had provided for him in his life was not enough.

The story ends with David getting what he wanted with Bathsheba, which then leads to her getting pregnant which then begins this whole cycle of consequence after consequence. What we learn from this is that we all have the ability to make our choices but we do not have the ability to choose the consequences of those choices. In these “rooftop moments” that we all face we have two choices—satisfaction with what God has given or dissatisfaction with those things and wanting what God has forbidden. 

When thinking on these “rooftop moments,” let me leave you with two reminders. First, Psalm 51 is the prayer of repentance David finally cries to God and it includes these words—“restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.” Those words are a great reminder that lasting joy is found in being satisfied with God and what He has given us in His sovereignty. Second, if and when you do make the wrong decision in those “rooftop moments”, remember 1 John 1:9 ““If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

MEDITATION FOR THE DAY: Think of some of these “rooftop moments” of temptation that come into YOUR life and what you are proving to God you are unsatisfied with when you give into those. 


Dia 4

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Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?

God’s sovereignty...although it sounds like a deep subject but it’s important to your Christian life. When we look at the life of David, it’s clear that God is in control of everything in our life, whether we believe it or not. Over the next five days consider whether God’s sovereignty reigns in your life.
