Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?Mostra

Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?

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In the Giant Moments  

The day finally came in David’s life that he stood face to face with Goliath—a man with overwhelming size and battle experience. David was standing in what we are calling a “Giant Moment”—the moments in life where the circumstances seem overwhelming. We’ve all had these moments in our lives—a health scare, the death of someone we love, the loss of a job, the crumbling of a marriage, and the list goes on and on. 

David was literally standing before a giant and everyone, from the army of Israel who were cowering in fear to King Saul who could barely wish David luck, considered David’s circumstances overwhelming. As we read our passage for today, we must ask ourselves: why wasn’t David completely overwhelmed by the giant standing before him? 

First, David was not overwhelmed because he truly believed that he was not in control of this “giant” of a circumstance. In verses 38-44, Goliath mocks David’s lack of size and ability, and he promises David’s defeat. Truth be told, if it were only David’s ability against this giant’s ability, the giant would be right to mock and expect victory. But what David understood that this giant did not was that there was another’s ability to be thrown into the arena—God’s. In this moment, David once again proved that God was in control, no one else.

Second, David was not overwhelmed because he also believed he is not the center of the story being told in this moment of his life. Once again, like in the “bear and lion” moments, David immediately puts the spotlight on God when everyone, including this giant, tries to put the spotlight on him.

Remember this—when you or I become overwhelmed with the “giant” circumstances that come into our lives, it is because we have falsely believed that we are in control and the center of the story being told in that moment. By doing this, we are not trusting in or allowing the sovereignty of God to reign in our lives. To us, these circumstances are too big and overwhelming but to God they are not. Mark 10:27 says “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”

MEDITATION FOR THE DAY: Think of some of these “giant moments” in YOUR life where the circumstances seem overwhelming and how God might be using those things to glorify (reflect) Himself to you and those around you. 

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Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?

God’s sovereignty...although it sounds like a deep subject but it’s important to your Christian life. When we look at the life of David, it’s clear that God is in control of everything in our life, whether we believe it or not. Over the next five days consider whether God’s sovereignty reigns in your life.
