Always This or Better: How to Uplevel Your Value and Step Into Your MOREনমুনা

One of my favorite books is Hind’s Feet for High Places, an allegorical novel about a girl who perseveres through a valley of trials and up the mountain to reach the “High Place.” The story paints a beautiful picture of what it looks like to walk with God, rediscover His goodness, and be gifted your assignment.
In the story, God gives the girl a new understanding of her value and blesses her with hind’s feet—feet like a deer—so that she can easily scale the heights of the mountain and take in the breathtaking views from her new, elevated, perspective.
In the same way, God has an assignment for you in the high place, which represents your aligned perspective of your value and your transformed mind. He has helped you scale the mountain and positions you to receive your blessing.
If you’ve made it this far, God gave me a rhema word for you–your blessing is in the high place already. The situation you’ve been waiting for, the one that will change your life, has already been positioned by God.
"I will go before you . . . and will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel. . . ." Isaiah 45:2–3
There’s an elevated conversation happening about you, and it’s all being orchestrated by Him. God is discussing your name with people you haven’t even met yet, placing you in their hearts and gifting them with His grace for you.
In the high place, your help comes from God, who assembles the answers, solutions, and resources for you. Because your help comes from Him, the assignment over your life cannot fail.
"God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19
What He has spoken concerning you will be established, and nothing can stop the plan He has set into motion. As you step into this new level of value and obedience, expect to receive both your assignment and the help needed to fulfill it. God is not calling you to do this alone—He is sending divine reinforcements.
This is your season to rise. It is always this or better concerning you. Your blessing is in the high place, and God has already made the way. Walk in your value and receive it!
Today’s Affirmation:
Love encapsulates me like a familiar warmth. I carry it with me as I move from here to my next beginning. I carry the fragrance of the Holy Spirit with me everywhere I go; it is my differentiating factor. This fragrance lingers in the room, blessing those who remain. I am cloaked in His favor and blessings.
Journal Question to Help You Manifest Her Daily:
Do you receive today’s Word? If so, why?
About this Plan

What do your actions say about how you value yourself? God doesn’t just want you to know your worth in words—He wants you to live it. In this plan, we’ll explore how your actions reflect your understanding of your value. God desires to elevate your mindset so that you can fully receive the “always this or better” life He has prepared for you. This plan will challenge you to align your value with God’s perspective, embrace His best for your life, and walk confidently into the promise He has set before you. Let’s step into your MORE.