Mairk 6
“Is thïs no jist tha cairpentèr?”
1Eftèr thïs Jesus quït thaim pairts an went on bak tae hïs hametoon#6.1 Nazareth , alang wi hïs follaers. 2An whaniver tha Sabbath day cum roon, he stairtit taichin tha fowk thair ïn tha Meetin Hoose, an monie that heerd hïm wur stoondit. “Whar dïd he get aa thïs frae?” the' axt. “Whut's aa thïs wusdom that he's bin gien, that sitch mïracles ir wrocht bi hïs hans! 3Is thïs no jist tha cairpentèr? An he's Mary's sinn, ïsn't he, an tha brither o Jeames, Joseph, Judas an Simon? Is hïs sïstèrs no here wi iz?” An the' tuk umrage at hïm. 4But Jesus saed tae thaim, “A proaphit's niver weel thocht o ïn hïs hametoon, amang hïs freens or ïn hïs ain hoose.” 5He cudnae dae onie mïracles thair, apairt frae layin hïs hans on twarthie seeck fowk an makkin thaim bettèr. 6An he wus tuk bak wi thair want o faith.
Then Jesus went roon aa tha vïllages lairnin tha fowk.
Jesus senns tha twal follaers oot
7An caain hïs twal follaers roon hïm, he sent thaim oot ïn twas an gien thaim pooer ower tha ïll spïrits. 8Thïs wus hïs bïddin: “Tak naethin fer tha róad apairt frae a stav - nae breid, nae baag, nae copper coins ïn yer girthpooch. 9Pit sannals on yer feet an tak jist tha claes on yer bak. 10Whutiver hoose yis ir stappin ïn,” he saed, “bide yer time ïn ït til yis tak yer lave o tha toon. 11An ïf tha fowk ïn onie place wull no mak yis walcum or gie yis a hearin, dicht tha stour aff yer feet as yis ir leain, as a wutness an warnin tae thaim.” 12An sae the' went oot, praichin that fowk shud turn frae thair sïns. 13The' driv oot monie ïll spïrits, an the' anointit monie seeck fowk wi oiyle an made thaim bettèr.
Jhone tha Baptiser kïllt
14Kïng Herod Antipas got wun o thïs, fer tha hale kintrie wus taakin aboot Jesus. Some fowk wur sayin that Jhone tha Baptiser wus ris frae tha deid, an that wus hoo he cud dae sitch michtie warks. 15Ithers thocht ït wus tha proaphit Elijah. An yit ithers thocht he maun be a proaphit laik yin o tha proaphits o tha oulden days. 16Whaniver Herod heerd thïs he saed, “Thon Jhone that A haed tha heid tuk aff, he's cum bak tae life agane!” 17Fer afore thïs, Herod haed gien oardèrs tae hae Jhone brocht ïn, tyed up, an püt ïn jail. He daen thïs acause o Herodias that he haed merriet, tha mair she wus hïs brither Phïlip's wife. 18An Jhone haed saed tae Herod, “It's agin tha laa fer ye tae tak yer brither's wife fer yersel.” 19Sae Herodias haed ït ïn fer Jhone. She wud hae kïllt hïm but she cudnae get at hïm. 20Fer Herod haed a guid regaird fer Jhone; he kent he wus a strecht an halie man, sae he kep hïm oot o hairm's wye. Whan he heerd Jhone, ït bothert hïm, but aa tha same he aye lïstened tae hïm wi a gled hairt. 21At lang last Herodias got hir chaunce on Herod's birthday. He wus houlin a bïg spreed fer aa tha heidyins o tha palace, tha genèrls, an tha tap men o Galilee. 22Whan Herodias' dochtèr cum ïn an daunced, ït plaised Herod an thaim that sut alang wi hïm. Tha kïng saed tae hir, “Ax fer ocht ye want an A'll gie ït tae ye.” 23He gien hir hïs wurd on oath; “Ax whut ye wull, an A'll gie ït tae ye, up tae a half o ma kïngdom.” 24An she went oot an saed tae hir mither, “Whut'll A ax fer?” An tha mither saed bak tae hir, “Ax fer tha heid o Jhone tha Baptiser!” 25Wi that, tha dochtèr run bak ïn afore tha kïng an she saed, “Whut A want ïs tha heid o Jhone tha Baptiser, richt noo, on a plattèr!” 26Tha kïng wus wile sorrie, but becas o tha oath he haed tuk, an acause o tha yins wi hïm roon tha table, he dïdnae dar gae bak on hïs wurd. 27Sae richt awa tha kïng sent aff a sodger, tae gang an brïng tha heid o Jhone tha Baptiser bak wi hïm. Tha man went awa, an he tuk Jhone's heid aff ïn tha jail. 28He brocht ït bak on a plattèr, gien ït tae tha lassie, an she gien ït tae hir mither. 29An whaniver Jhone's follaers heerd tell o ït, the' cum an tuk hïs bodie, an the' layed ït oot ïn a tomb.
Five thoosan weel fed
30Noo tha possels cum bak tae Jesus frae thair trevelin, an the' toul hïm aa the' haed daen, an whut the' haed lairnt tha fowk. 31An whar the' wur at, thair wus that monie cumin an gaun, that the' cudnae even get peace tae hae ocht tae ait. Sae Jesus saed tae thaim, “Cum awa on yer lane tae a quait place, an tak ït aisie fer a bït.” 32Sae the' went awa ïn a bóat bi thair lane tae a quait place. 33Noo monie fowk saa thaim as the' wur gaun aff, an kent wha the' wur, sae the' run on aheid on thair fit frae oot o aa tha toons, an the' got thair afore thaim. 34An whan Jesus cum tae lan, he fun a hale thrang o fowk fornent hïm; an hïs hairt went oot tae thaim, fer the' wur laik sheep wannèrin wioot a herd tae luk eftèr thaim. An he begun tae lairn thaim monie thïngs. 35An whan ït wus wearin late, hïs follaers cum an saed tae hïm, “It's dailygan, an thïs ïs a richt oot o tha wye place. 36Senn these fowk awa tae tha fairm hooses an clachans roon aboot, tae buy thairsels a bite tae ait!” 37But Jesus saed bak tae thaim, “Yous gie thaim sumthin tae ait!” An the' saed, “Whut wud we buy ït wi? It wud tak a wee foartune#6.37 Tha Greek says “twa hunnèr denarii” tae buy fer thaim aa!” 38“Whut hae ye tae ait?” qo Jesus. “Awa an fin oot!” Sae awa the' gan tae fin oot, an the' cum bak an toul hïm, “We hae five bannocks an twa fïsh.” 39Sae Jesus bïd thaim aa sït doon ïn locks on tha green gress. 40An the' sut doon ïn groups o hunnèrts an fïfties. 41An takkin tha five bannocks an tha twa fïsh, he lukt up tae heiven, he blisst an brauk tha bannocks, an he kep giein thaim tae hïs follaers tae han oot tae tha fowk. An he divïd tha twa fïsh amang thaim aa as weel. 42The' aa et thair fïll, 43an the' gethert up aa tha wee bïts o breid an fïsh, eneuch tae fïll twal creels. 44Thaim five bannocks haed fed five thoosan men!
Jesus waaks on tha wattèr
45Richt awa, Jesus toul hïs follaers tae get aboord tha bóat, an tae gang on aheid o hïm tae tha ither side fornent Bethsaida, while he toul tha thrang o fowk tae gang hame. 46An eftèr leain thaim, he went up tha muntin fer tae pray. 47At dailygan, tha bóat wus oot ïn tha mïddle o tha loch, an Jesus wus on hïs lane on tha lan. 48He saen tha follaers pu'in haird on tha oars, fer tha wun wus blaain agin thaim. An aboot tha fowerth watch o tha nicht he gaed oot tae thaim, waakin on tha wattèr! He wus aboot tae pass bye thaim, 49but whaniver the' saen hïm waakin on tha wattèr, the' jaloused he wus a wraith. An the' yellt oot, 50fer the' aa saen hïm an the' wur hairt-scarred. Strecht awa he spauk oot tae thaim, an he saed, “Tak hairt! It's masel. Dïnnae be feart!” 51Then he climmed up ïntae tha bóat alangside o thaim, an tha wun deed doon. The' wur aa dumfoonèrt, an thocht ït wus ower ocht, 52fer the' cudnae mak onie sense o tha mïracle o tha bannocks the'd wutnesst. Thair hairts jist wurnae apen tae ït.
Aa soarts o seeck fowk hailt
53An whan the' gaed bak ower tha loch agane, the' cum tae lan at Gennesaret, an the' drapt enchor thonner at tha shore. 54Noo whaniver the' steppit oot o tha bóat, richt awa tha fowk kent wha Jesus wus. 55The' run roon tha hale kintrieside, an the' stairtit tae cairrie tha seeck on mats tae whariver the' heerd he wus at. 56An noo iveriewhar he went - ïntae tha clachans, tha toons, or oot ïn tha kintrie - the' püt tha seeck oot on tha grun ïn an apen place, whar he cud see thaim. The' besocht hïm tae let thaim touch even tha enn o hïs robe; an aa that toucht ït wus makkit weel agane.
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Mairk 6: USNT

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