Mattha 27
Judas hangs hissel
1At tha scraich o day, aa tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs o tha fowk collogued thegither as tae hoo the' wud pit Jesus tae deith. 2Sae the' tyed hïm up, the' maircht hïm aff an the' hannit hïm ower tae Pilate, tha Guviner.
3Noo Judas, that haed bethrayed hïm, whaniver he saa that Jesus wus condemned, he sairlie rued whut he'd daen, an he gien tha thurtie siller coins bak tae tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs. 4“A hae daen wrang,” saed he, “fer A hae bethrayed tha bluid o an innocent man.” “Whut's that tae us?” the' saed. “On yer ain heid be ït!” 5Sae Judas throwed tha siller doon ïn tha Hoose o God. Then he gan oot o tha Temple, an he went an hung hissel. 6Tha heid preeshts gethert up tha coins an saed, “It ïs agin tha Laa tae pit thïs ïntae tha Temple kïst, seein as ït's tha price o bluid.” 7Sae the' agreed amang thairsels tae uise tha siller fer tae buy tha potter's fiel, as a buryin grun fer strangers. 8An that's tha raison tae thïs verie day ït's caad “Tha Fiel o Bluid”. 9In thïs wye tha wurd spauk bi Jeremiah tha proaphit cum aboot: “The' tuk tha thurtie siller coins, tha amoont pit on hïs heid bi Israel, 10an the' uised thaim tae buy tha potter's fiel, jist as tha Loard commaundit.”
Jesus up afore Pilate
11While aa thïs wus gaun on, Jesus stud afore tha Guviner, an tha Guviner axt hïm, “Ir you tha Kïng o tha Jews?” Jesus answert, “You hae saed ït.” 12But whaniver he wus accused bi tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs, he gien nae answer ava. 13Then Pilate axt hïm, “Dae ye no hear whut the'r chairgin ye wi?” 14But Jesus niver saed a wurd bak tae hïm regairdin onie o tha chairges agin hïm, an tha Guviner wus stoondit.
15Noo ït uist tae be at tha Passower Faist, tha Guviner wud aye let a prisner oot o jail: whutiver yin tha fowk axt fer. 16An that year the' haed a prisner iveriebodie haed heerd tell o, bi tha name o Barabbas. 17Sae whaniver tha crood haed gethert thegither, Pilate axt thaim, “Whutch yin dae yis want me tae let oot tae ye: Barabbas, or Jesus, that ïs caad Christ?” 18Fer he knowed richt weel ït wus jist oot o spite the' haed hannit Jesus ower tae hïm. 19Noo as Pilate wus sïttin on tha judge's sait, hïs wife sent hïm thïs message: “Hae naethin tae dae wi thon innocent man, fer A'm tellin ye, A'm sair tormentit thïs day bi a draim A haed aboot hïm!” 20But tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs taakt tha crood roon, sae as the' wud ax fer Barabbas an hae Jesus püt tae deith. 21“Whutch o tha twa dae yis want me tae let oot tae yis then?” axt tha Guviner. “We want Barabbas!” the' answert. 22“Sae whut am A tae dae wi Jesus that's caad tha Christ?” Pilate axt. An the' aa saed bak, “Tae tha cross wi hïm!” 23“But whut fer? Whut's he daen wrang?” axt Pilate. But tha thrang jist roared aa tha mair, “Tae tha cross wi hïm!”
24Whaniver Pilate saen that he wus gettin naewhar, but that he wus aboot tae hae a riot on hïs hans, he got some wattèr an waasht hïs hans afore tha crood o fowk. “A'm no guiltie o thïs man's bluid,” saed he. “On your heids be ït!” 25Aa tha fowk saed, “Let hïs bluid be on us an on oor childèr!” 26Then he lut Barabbas oot tae thaim. But he got Jesus whuppt, an he hannit hïm ower fer tae be crucyfied.
Tha sodgers mock Jesus
27Then tha Guviner's sodgers tuk Jesus ïntae tha Praetorium#27.27 tha Guviner's Bïg Hoose an the' gethert tha hale regiment roon hïm. 28The' strïpt hïm an püt a scarlet robe on hïm, 29an then the' plettit thoarns thegither tae mak a croon, an the' set ït on hïs heid. The' püt a stav ïn hïs richt han an the' got doon on thair knees afore hïm, mockin hïm an sayin, “Lang leeve tha Kïng o tha Jews!” 30The' sput on hïm, an the' tuk tha stav an hut hïm ower tha heid agane an agane. 31An eftèr the' haed daen mockin hïm, the' tuk tha robe aff hïm, an the' püt hïs ain claes bak on hïm. Then the' tuk hïm awa fer tae crucyfie hïm.
Tha crucyfixion
32An whaniver the' wur on thair wye oot, the' run ïntae a man frae Cyrene, bi tha name o Simon, an the' gart hïm tae cairrie tha cross. 33The' cum tae a place caad Golgotha (mainin “Tha Place o tha Skull”). 34Thair the' raxt wine up tae Jesus, mixt wi gall; but eftèr tastin ït, he wudnae drïnk onie mair. 35Noo whaniver tha sodgers haed nailt hïm tae tha cross, the' gemmelt amang thairsels tae dïvide hïs claes. [Thïs brocht aboot whut tha proaphit saed wud happen:
“The' dïvïd ma dishables amang thaim
an the' cloddit dice fer ma claes.”]
36An sïttin doon, the' kep watch ower hïm thair. 37Abain hïs heid the' püt up tha chairge agin hïm, that saed: THIS IS JESUS, THA KING O THA JEWS. 38Twa robbers wur crucyfied alang wi hïm, yin on hïs richt han side, an tha tither on hïs left. 39Thaim at waakt bye yellt abuse at hïm, shakin thair heids, 40an sayin, “Hey, you that saed ye wur gaun tae desthroy tha Hoose o God, an big ït agane ïn thrie days - save yersel! If you ir tha Sinn o God, cum doon aff that cross!” 41An tha heid preeshts, tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha eldèrs, the' daen tha same, an the' mockt hïm. 42“He saved ithers,” the' saed, “but he cannae save hissel! Is he no tha Kïng o Israel? Then jist let hïm cum doon aff tha cross, an we'll believe ïn hïm! 43He trusts ïn God. Let God rescue hïm noo ïf he wants hïm, fer he saed, ‘A be tha Sinn o God.’ ” 44Tha robbers that wur crucyfied wi hïm hurlt abuse at hïm as weel.
Tha deith o Jesus
45Frae nuin tae thrie ïn tha eftèrnuin#27.45 “Frae tha sïxth tae tha ninth oor”, dairkness cum ower tha hale lan. 46An roon aboot thrie Jesus caad oot wi a lood voice, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” - that mains: “O God, ma God, why hae ye forsook me?” 47Whaniver some o thaim stannin bye heerd thïs, the' saed, “He's caain oot fer Elijah.” 48An richt awa yin o thaim run an got a sponge. He fïllt ït wi soor wine, püt ït on a lang stïck, an raxt ït up tae Jesus fer hïm tae drïnk. 49But tha ithers saed, “Jist lea hïm alane. We'll see noo ïf Elijah cums fer tae save hïm.”#27.49 Some o tha ouler screevins haes: “An yin o tha sodgers püsht a pike ïntae Jesus's side, an that brocht oot a flush o bluid an wattèr,” as weel. 50Then Jesus cryed oot agane wi a lood voice, an he gien up hïs spïrit.
51At that verie mïnit tha curtin ïn tha Halie o Halies wus tore ïn twa frae tap tae bottom. Tha irth shuk an tha roaks splït. 52Tha graves apent, an tha bodies o monie halie fowk that haed deed wur ris tae life. 53The' cum oot o thair tombs, an eftèr Jesus wus ris frae tha deid the' went ïntae tha halie cïtie an appeart tae a lock o fowk. 54Tha centurion#27.54 Tha yin ïn chairge o a hunnèr Roman sodgers an thaim alang wi hïm that wus gairdin Jesus, whaniver the' saa tha irthquake an aa that haed happent, the' wur hairt-scarred, an the' saed, “Thair can be nae doot, thïs wus tha Sinn o God!”
55Noo monie weemen wur thair as weel, stannin awa bak takkin ït aa ïn. The' haed follaed Jesus frae Galilee fer tae luk eftèr hïm. 56In amang thaim thair wus Mary Magdalene, an Mary tha mither o Jeames an Joses, an thair wus tha mither o Zebedee's sinns.
Jesus ïs buriet
57Whan ït cum evenin, thair wus thïs weel-aff man frae Arimathea, bi tha name o Joseph, wha hissel haed becum a follaer o Jesus. 58An he gan tae Pilate, an he axt fer tha bodie o Jesus, an Pilate oardèrt thaim tae gie ït tae hïm. 59Joseph tuk tha bodie, an he lapt ït ïn a clain lïnen claith, 60an he layed ït ïn hïs ain new tomb he haed cut oot o tha roak. He rowlt a bïg stane agin tha mooth o tha tomb an then he gaed awa. 61Mary Magdalene an tha ither Mary wur sïttin thair fornent tha tomb.
Tha gaird on tha tomb
62Tha nixt day, tha yin eftèr tha Day o Preparation, tha heid preeshts an tha Pharisees went tae Pilate. 63“Sïr,” the' saed, “whaniver that deceiver wus still leevin, we mine hïm sayin, ‘Eftèr thrie days A wull rise agane.’ 64Sae wud ye gie tha oardèr fer thaim tae shut that tomb weel tae tha thurd day, less hïs follaers cum an steal tha bodie an tell tha fowk he haes ris frae tha deid. Then that deception wud be waur ner tha furst.” 65“Tak gairds wi ye,” saed Pilate. “Awa an shut up tha tomb as weel as ye can.” 66Sae the' gaed an made tha tomb safe bi sealin tha stane an leain tha gaird tae keep watch.
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