Mattha 28
Tha empie tomb
1It wus eftèr tha Sabbath, at daylicht on tha furst day o tha week, an Mary Magdalene an tha ither Mary cum tae luk at tha tomb. 2Aa o a suddent, thair wus a michtie irthquake, fer an angel o tha Loard cum doon frae heiven! He gaed tae tha tomb, an he rowlt bak tha stane an he sut on ït. 3He wus bricht as lichtnin, an hïs claes wus white as snaa. 4Whaniver the' saa hïm, tha gairds at tha tomb shuk wi fear an the' becum laik deid men. 5But tha angel saed tae tha weemen, “Dïnnae be feart, fer A ken that ye'r lukkin fer Jesus, that wus crucyfied. 6He's no here; he's ris, jist as he saed he wud. Cum an see tha place whar he#28.6 “tha Loard” wus layed oot. 7Quïck! Gae an tell hïs follaers, ‘He haes ris frae tha deid an he's awa on aheid o ye ïntae Galilee. Ye'll see hïm thair.’ Noo mine whut A hae toul ye.” 8Sae tha weemen hurriet frae tha tomb; the' wur afeart, yit fu o joy. The' run tae tell hïs follaers, 9whan aa o a suddent Jesus appeart fornent thaim. “Fair faa ye!” saed he. An the' went tae hïm, tuk houl o hïs feet an wurshipt hïm. 10Then Jesus saed tae thaim, “Dïnnae be feart. Gae an tell ma brithers tae gae ïntae Galilee, an the'll see me thair.”
Tha storie tha gairds püt roon
11While tha weemen wur on thair wye, some o tha gairds went ïntae tha cïtie an toul tha heid preeshts aa that haed cum aboot. 12An whaniver tha heid preeshts haed gethert thegither wi tha eldèrs, the' collogued amang thairsels, an the' gien tha sodgers a bïg amoont o siller, 13an the' toul thaim, “Ye'r tae say, ‘Tha follaers o Jesus cum ïn tha nicht an stole hïm awa whan we wur sleepin.’ 14If tha Guviner hears tell o thïs, we'll taak hïm roon, an keep ye oot o bother.” 15Sae tha sodgers tuk tha siller an daen as the' wur toul. An thïs storie haes gan roon amang tha Jews tae thïs verie day.
Jesus senns oot hïs follaers
16Then tha eleiven follaers gaed tae Galilee, tae tha muntin whar Jesus haed toul thaim. 17Whaniver the' saen hïm, the' wurshipt hïm; but some aye haed thair doots. 18Then Jesus cum tae thaim an saed, “Aa thortie haes bin gien tae me ïn heiven an on irth. 19Sae gang an mak follaers o aa nations, baptisin thaim ïn tha name o tha Faither an o tha Sinn an o tha Halie Spïrit, 20taichin thaim tae keep aa tha commauns A hae gien ye. An know thïs: A be wi ye iverie day, ay, tae tha verie enn o time.”
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Mattha 28: USNT

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