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Mattha 26

Tha ploat tae dae awa wi Jesus
1Whaniver Jesus haed daen sayin aa these thïngs, he saed tae hïs follaers, 2“Ye ken tha Passower ïs tha day eftèr themorra, an tha Sinn o Man wull be hannit ower fer tae be nailt tae a cross.”
3Then tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs o tha fowk gethert thegither ïn tha palace o tha Heich Preesht, a man bi tha name o Caiaphas, 4an the' cumpluthèrt fer tae git tha houl o Jesus bi some sleekit wye, an pit hïm tae deith. 5“But no whan tha Faist's on,” the' saed, “or we'll hae a garevitch on oor hans!”
Tha wee crock o scent
6Aa tha while, Jesus wus ïn Bethanie ïn tha hoose o Simon tha Leper, 7an a wumman cum up tae hïm wi a wee crock o scent - perfume that wus wile dear - that she poored ower hïs heid as he wus restin at tha boord. 8But whaniver tha follaers saen thïs, the' wur wile ang'rie. “Why thïs waste?” the' axt. 9“Thïs perfume cud hae bin soul fer a bïg price, an tha siller gien tae tha puir.” 10Knowin weel whut the' wur sayin, Jesus saed tae thaim, “Dïnnae bother tha wumman! Thïs ïs a guid thïng she haes daen fer me. 11Fer ye'll aye hae tha puir wi yis, but ye'll no aye hae me. 12Whaniver she poored thïs perfume on ma bodie, she daen ït fer tae mak me readie fer ma buryin. 13A'm tellin ye tha truith, whariver ïn tha hale warl thïs Guid News ïs praicht, hir storie wull be toul sae as she'll niver be fergot.”
Judas daes a dail wi tha preeshts
14Then yin o tha Twal - tha yin caad Judas Iscariot - went tae tha heid preeshts 15an he axt thaim, “Whut ir yis wullin tae gie me ïf A han Jesus ower tae yis?” Sae the' settelt fer thurtie siller coins. 16Frae then on Judas wus lukkin fer a chaunce tae han hïm ower.
Tha Last Supper
17On tha furst day o tha Faist o Bairmless Breid, tha follaers cum tae Jesus an axt hïm, “Whar dae ye want iz tae mak tha Passower mail readie fer ye?” 18He saed, “Gang ïntae tha cïtie, an ye'll see thïs man. Tell hïm, ‘Tha Maistèr says, Ma time ïs nearhan, an A'm gaun tae celebrate tha Passower wi ma follaers at yer hoose.’ ” 19Sae hïs follaers daen jist as Jesus haed bïd thaim, an the' made readie tha boord fer tha Passower mail.
20Whan tha evenin wus weel on, Jesus wus at tha boord alang wi tha Twal. 21An while the' wur aitin, he saed, “A tell ye tha truith, yin o yis ïs fer bethrayin me.” 22The' wur aa fu o sorra whaniver the' heerd thïs, an yin eftèr tha ither stairtit tae say tae hïm, “Shairlie ït's no me ye main, Loard?” 23Jesus saed, “Thair's yin that's dïppt hïs han ïn tha boul wi me wull bethray me. 24Tha Sinn o Man maun follae tha róad tha Scrïptures foretoul lang syne. But wile sorra tae tha yin that bethrays hïm! It wud be faur bettèr fer that man ïf he haed niver bin boarn.” 25Then Judas, tha yin that wus gaun tae bethray hïm, saed, “Shairlie ït's no me ye main, Rabbi?” Jesus answert hïm, “It's you haes saed ït.”
26While the' wur aitin, Jesus tuk breid ïn hïs hans, an whaniver he haed gien thenks tae God, he brauk ït, an hannit ït tae hïs follaers, sayin, “Tak thïs an ait ït; thïs ïs ma bodie.” 27Then he tuk a bicker o wine, he gien thenks tae God fer ït, an he hannit ït roon, sayin, “Al o yis drïnk frae thïs. 28Thïs ïs ma bluid; ït's a sign o God's new coveynant, an ït's poored oot tae forgie monie thair wrangdaeins. 29A tell ye, A'll no drïnk o thïs fruit o tha vine agane, na, no til tha day A drïnk a new wine alang wi you ïn ma Faither's Kïngdom.”
Jesus foretells that Petèr wull deny hïm
30Wi that, the' sung tha Passower psaum, an the' went oot on tae tha Moont o Olives. 31An then Jesus toul thaim, “Thïs verie nicht al o yis wull faa awa on accoont o me, fer as ït's writ: ‘A wull strike tha shepherd, an tha sheep o tha flock wull be scattèrt.’ 32But eftèr A hae ris frae tha deid, A'll tak tha foreróad o ye ïntae Galilee.” 33An Petèr spauk oot, “Tha mair tha rest'll faa awa becas o ye, A niver wull!” 34“A tell ye tha truith,” Jesus saed bak, “thïs verie nicht, afore tha roostèr craas, ye'll say thrie times ower that ye dïnnae ken me.” 35But Petèr spauk oot agane, “E'en ïf A hae tae dee alang wi ye, A wull niver deny ye!” An aa tha ither follaers vood tha same.
Ang'uish ïn Gethsemane
36Then Jesus gaed wi hïs follaers tae a place caad Gethsemane, an he toul thaim, “Sït here while A gang ower thair an pray.” 37He tuk Petèr an tha twa sinns o Zebedee alang wi hïm, an he begun tae be wile sorrafu an gye troublet. 38Then he saed tae thaim, “Ma hairt's brekkin wi ang'uish, near tae deith. Yous bide here an stye awaak wi me.” 39He gan forrit a weethin, then he bood doon wi hïs face tae tha grun an he prayed, “Ma Faither, ïf ït ïs poassible, may thïs cup o sufferin be tuk awa frae me. Yit ït's your wull A'm wantin, an no ma ain.” 40Then he cum bak tae hïs follaers an he fun thaim sleepin. “Cud you men no keep watch fer yin oor wi me?” he axt Petèr. 41“Watch an pray sae ye dïnnae gie ïn tae temptation. Tha spïrit's wullin, but tha bodie's waik.” 42He went awa a saicont time an he prayed, “O ma Faither, ïf thair's naethin else fer ït, an ïf A hae tae drïnk thïs cup o sufferin, may your wull be daen.” 43An whaniver he cum bak, yinst mair he fun thaim sleepin, fer the' cudnae keep thair een apen. 44Sae he left thaim, an he gan awa agane an prayed tha thurd time, sayin tha same thïng. 45Then he cum bak tae hïs follaers an he saed tae thaim, “Ir yis still sleepin an takkin yer rest? But luk here - tha time haes cum. Tha Sinn o Man ïs bethrayed ïntae tha hans o wrangdaers. 46Git up noo, an we'll be aff! Luk, ma bethrayer's here!”
Jesus arrestit
47Tha wurds wus harlie oot o hïs mooth, whan up cum Judas, yin o tha Twal. Alang wi hïm wus a bïg thrang airmed wi swords an stavs, sent oot frae tha heid preeshts an tha eldèrs o tha fowk. 48Noo tha bethrayer haed warkt oot a sign wi thaim: “Tha yin A kïss ïs tha man ye'r lukkin; tak tha houl o hïm.” 49Sae Judas gaed strecht up tae Jesus, an he saed, “Greetins, Rabbi!” an he kïsst hïm. 50Jesus saed, “Freen, dae whut ye cum here fer.” Then tha men cum forrit, the' tuk houl o Jesus an arrestit hïm. 51Wi that, yin o tha men wi Jesus raxt fer hïs sword, he pu'ed ït oot an hut tha sarvint o tha Heich Preesht, an he sneddit aff hïs lug. 52“Pit yer sword awa,” Jesus saed tae hïm, “fer aa that draas tha sword wull dee bi tha sword. 53Dae ye no ken that ïf A wantit tae, A cud caa on ma Faither, an he wud senn thoosans#26.53 Greek: twal legions o angels tae halp me? 54But hoo then wud tha Scrïptures be fülfilled that say ït maun cum aboot tha wye we'r seein noo?” 55At that time Jesus saed tae tha crood, “Am A some soart o a reiver, that yis hae cum oot agin me wi swords an stavs fer tae tak me? Shair A sut ïn tha Hoose o God iverie day taichin, an yis niver layed a han on me! 56But thïs haes aa tuk place sae that whut wus writ bi tha proaphits micht cum aboot.” Then aa hïs follaers left hïm an run awa.
Jesus up afore tha Cooncil
57Tha yins that haed lïftit Jesus tuk hïm awa tae Caiaphas, tha Heich Preesht, whar tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha eldèrs o tha fowk haed gethert thegither. 58But Petèr follaed hïm a brave wye behin, richt up tae tha coortyaird o tha Heich Preesht. He went ïntae ït an sut doon wi tha gairds tae see whut wud happen. 59Noo tha heid preeshts an tha hale Cooncil wus lukkin fer men that wud wutness agin Jesus, sae the' cud pit hïm tae deith. 60But the' dïdnae fin onie wi stories that wud dae, tha mair monie fauss wutnesses spauk oot. Bye an bye twa steppit forrit, 61sayin, “Thïs fella saed, ‘A be able tae desthroy tha Hoose o God an big ït up agane ïn thrie days.’ ” 62Then tha Heich Preesht ris tae hïs feet an saed tae Jesus, “Hae ye nae answer tae these chairges? Whut hae ye tae say fer yersel?” 63But Jesus hel hïs tung. An tha Heich Preesht saed tae hïm, “A chairge ye unnèr oath bi tha leevin God - tell iz ïf ye ir tha Christ, tha Sinn o God.” 64“It's as ye say,” Jesus answert. “But A'm tellin yis aa, that In a day tae cum yis'll see tha Sinn o Man sïttin at tha richt han o tha Michtie Yin, an cumin on tha cloods o heiven.” 65Then tha Heich Preesht tore hïs claes an saed, “He haes spauk blesphemie! Whut dae we need onie mair wutnesses fer? Luk noo, ye hae aa heerd hïs blesphemie fer yersels. 66Whut dae ye thïnk?” “He desarves tae be püt tae deith!” the' answert. 67Then the' sput ïn hïs face an hut hïm wi thair fïsts. Ithers hut hïm wi tha flet o thair hans 68an the' saed, “Weel, Messiah, tell iz wha skelpt ye!”
Petèr denies Jesus
69Noo Petèr wus sïttin oot ïn tha coortyaird, an thïs wee sarvin lass cum up til hïm. “You wur wi Jesus o Galilee as weel,” she saed. 70But he denied ït afore thaim aa. “A dïnnae ken whut ye'r taakin aboot,” qo he. 71Then he slipt oot tae tha gate, whar anither lass saen hïm an saed tae tha fowk stannin roon, “Thïs fella wus alang wi Jesus o Nazareth.” 72Yinst mair he denied ït, an wi an oath: “A dïnnae ken tha man!” 73Eftèr a wee while, tha yins that wur stannin thair went up tae Petèr an saed, “Shairlie ye maun be yin o thaim, fer tha wye ye taak gies ye awa.” 74Then he stairtit cursin an sweerin, an sayin, “A dïnnae ken tha man!” An at that verie mïnit a roostèr craad. 75Then Petèr haed mine o tha wurds Jesus haed spauk: “Afore tha roostèr craas, ye'll deny me thrie times.” An he went oot o tha coortyaird, greetin sair.

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Mattha 26: USNT





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