Mattha 26:41
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
“Watch an pray sae ye dïnnae gie ïn tae temptation. Tha spïrit's wullin, but tha bodie's waik.”
Explore Mattha 26:41
Mattha 26:38
Then he saed tae thaim, “Ma hairt's brekkin wi ang'uish, near tae deith. Yous bide here an stye awaak wi me.”
Explore Mattha 26:38
Mattha 26:39
He gan forrit a weethin, then he bood doon wi hïs face tae tha grun an he prayed, “Ma Faither, ïf ït ïs poassible, may thïs cup o sufferin be tuk awa frae me. Yit ït's your wull A'm wantin, an no ma ain.”
Explore Mattha 26:39
Mattha 26:28
Thïs ïs ma bluid; ït's a sign o God's new coveynant, an ït's poored oot tae forgie monie thair wrangdaeins.
Explore Mattha 26:28
Mattha 26:26
While the' wur aitin, Jesus tuk breid ïn hïs hans, an whaniver he haed gien thenks tae God, he brauk ït, an hannit ït tae hïs follaers, sayin, “Tak thïs an ait ït; thïs ïs ma bodie.”
Explore Mattha 26:26
Mattha 26:27
Then he tuk a bicker o wine, he gien thenks tae God fer ït, an he hannit ït roon, sayin, “Al o yis drïnk frae thïs.
Explore Mattha 26:27
Mattha 26:40
Then he cum bak tae hïs follaers an he fun thaim sleepin. “Cud you men no keep watch fer yin oor wi me?” he axt Petèr.
Explore Mattha 26:40
Mattha 26:29
A tell ye, A'll no drïnk o thïs fruit o tha vine agane, na, no til tha day A drïnk a new wine alang wi you ïn ma Faither's Kïngdom.”
Explore Mattha 26:29
Mattha 26:75
Then Petèr haed mine o tha wurds Jesus haed spauk: “Afore tha roostèr craas, ye'll deny me thrie times.” An he went oot o tha coortyaird, greetin sair.
Explore Mattha 26:75
Mattha 26:46
Git up noo, an we'll be aff! Luk, ma bethrayer's here!”
Explore Mattha 26:46
Mattha 26:52
“Pit yer sword awa,” Jesus saed tae hïm, “fer aa that draas tha sword wull dee bi tha sword.
Explore Mattha 26:52