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In the beginning ב

1thus are completed having become the heaven and the earth and their all hosts/array. 2and G-d has finished at the seventh day his work which he has made, and he has rested on seventh day from his whole production/workmanship which he has made. 3and G-d has blessed the seventh day, and has it sanctified, because in it has he rested from his whole work which G-d has created made.
4this is the history of the heaven and the earth when they are created having become, in the day which Hashem G-d has made earth and heaven.
5and any shoot from field is yet not having been on the earth, and not plant/herb from field has yet not sprung up/tzemach, because Hashem G-d has not made rain on the earth, and a man is not having been to cultivate the earth; 6but a mist/water vapor goes up from the earth, and used to water the whole face of the earth. 7has Hashem G-d formed the man of dust of the earth, and has blow in in his nostrils a breath of life, and the man is having become a living soul. 8and Hashem G-d has planted a garden in Eden, in east, and has there placed the man which he has formed. 9and Hashem G-d has made spring up/tzemach from the earth all kinds of trees desirable to look at and good to eat; also the tree of life , in midst of garden, and the tree of knowledge good things and evil things.
10and a river is having come out from Eden to water the garden, and from there has it self separated, and is having become four head divisions. 11the name of one is Pishon; this is the which winds around round the whole land Chavilah, which there is here gold; 12and the gold of that land is good. there is the bdellium and the onyx gemstone. 13and the name of second river is Gichon; this is that which winds around round the whole land Kush. 14and the name of third river is Chiddekel; this is that which goes to east of Assyria. and the fourth river, this is Euphrates.
15and Hashem G-d has taken the man, and has him placed in garden of Eden, it to cultivate and it to keep. 16and Hashem G-d has ordered the man, thus to say: of all trees of garden you may to eat; 17but of the tree of knowledge good things and evil things, from it shall you (sg) not to eat, because in the day which you (sg) eat of it, will you surely die.
18and Hashem G-d has said: it is not good the man shall be alone; I will him make one assist relative to for him. 19and Hashem G-d has formed from the earth every wild animals of field and every kind of birds of heaven, and brought to the man, to see what he will them call, and that which then the man will call every living creature, this shall be its name. 20has the man called/named names for all livestock, and for the birds of heaven, and for all wild animals of field; but for Adam has he not found a helper relative to for him. 21has Hashem G-d allowed fall a deep sleep on the man, and he is asleep; and he has taken one of his ribs, and has closed up its place with flesh. 22and Hashem G-d has built of the rib, which he has taken of the man, a woman, and has her brought to the man. 23has the man said:
this time is this a bone of my bones,
and flesh of my flesh;
the this shall called become woman,
because of a man is taken having become the this.
24therefore forsake a man his father and his mother, and join self on his wife, and they become one flesh. 25and they are two having been naked, the man and his wife, and they not have with which self to shame.





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