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In the beginning ג

1and the snake is having been crafty of all beasts of field which Hashem G-d has made, and it has said to the woman: not-then has G-d said, you (PL) shall not to eat of any tree of garden? 2has the woman said to the snake: of the fruit of the trees of garden they may we eat, 3but of the fruit of the tree which in midst garden has G-d said: you (PL) shall of it not to eat, and you (PL) shall self thereon not touch, or else will you (PL) die. 4has the snake said to the woman: die will you (PL) not die, 5but G-d knows that in the day which you (PL) eat of it, will self open your (PL) eyes, and you (PL) will be thus as G-d to know good things and evil things. 6has the woman seen that the tree is good to to eat, and that it is an pleasure for the eyes, and the tree is desirable so that to know intelligence, and she has taken of its fruit, and has eaten; and she has also given her man with her, and he has eaten. 7and their of both eyes have self opened, and they have known that they are naked; have they sew together fig leaves, and self made sashes.
8and they have heard the voice of Hashem G-d, as he goes round in garden in the coolness of day; and the man and his wife have self hidden before Hashem G-d among the trees of garden. 9has Hashem G-d called to the man, and has to him said: where are you? 10has he answered: I have heard your voice in garden, and I have fear have had, because I am naked, have I myself hidden. 11has he said: who has to you(SG) said that you (sg) are naked? have you (sg) eaten of the tree which I have to you(SG) ordered not to to eat of it? 12has the man said: the wife/woman which you (sg) have me given, she has me given of the tree, and I have eaten.
13has Hashem G-d said to the woman: what have you (sg) here done? has the woman said: the snake has me incited/persuaded (to), and I did eat.
14has Hashem G-d said to the snake:
because you (sg) have this done,
shall you (sg) be cursed of among all cattle,
and of among all wild animals of field;
on your belly shall you (sg) go,
and dust shall you (sg) to eat
all days of your life.
15and an enmity will I make between you(SG) and between the woman,
and between your seed and between her seed;
he will you crush in head,
and you (sg) will him crush in step/akev.
16to the woman has he said:
increase will I increase your hardship/torment and your childbearing;
with suffering will you(sg) to give birth children,
and to your man will be your desire,
and he will rule over you(SG).
17and to Adam has he said:
because you (sg) have listened to the voice of your wife/woman,
and eaten of the tree
which I have you(SG) ordered, thus to say:
you(SG) shall of it not to eat;
shall the ground be cursed of your sake;
with hardship shall you (sg) self eat of it all days of your life.
18and thorns and prickly vegetation shall it you(SG) make spring up/tzemach,
and you(SG) shall eat plant/herb of field.
19with the sweat of your face shall you (sg) eat bread,
till you (sg) return self down to the earth;
because from it are you taken having become;
because dust are you,
and to dust shall you (sg) self return.
20and the man has called the name of his wife Chavah, because she is become the mother of all that is living. 21and Hashem G-d has made for Adam and for his wife coats/mantles from hide, and has them clothed.
22and Hashem G-d has said: behold, the man is having become like one of us to knowing good things and evil things, and now can he yet stretch out his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and he will to eat, and will live for ever. 23has Hashem G-d him sent out of the garden of Eden, to cultivate the earth, which he is of there taken having become. 24and he did drive out the man; and he has placed in east of the garden of Eden the Keruvim, and the flaming sword which turn self, to to keep a watch over the way to tree of life.





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