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In the beginning א

In the beginning
1in the beginning has G-d created the heaven and the earth. 2and the earth is having been waste and void, and darkness is having been on face of deep, and the Spirit of G-d has hovered on face of the waters.
3has G-d said: shall become light. and it is having become light. 4and G-d has seen the light that it is good; and G-d has separated between the light and between the darkness. 5and G-d has called the light day, and the darkness has he called night. and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, one day.
6has G-d said: shall become an expanse in midst of the waters, and it shall separate between waters and waters. 7and G-d has made the expanse, and has separated between the waters which under the expanse and between the waters which above the expanse. and it is thus happen. 8and G-d has called the expanse heaven. and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, a second day.
9has G-d said: let self gather together the waters from under heaven in one place, and shall self appear the dry ground. and it is thus happen. 10and G-d has called the dry ground earth, and the gathering of the waters has he called seas. and G-d has seen that this is good.
11has G-d said: let the earth vegetate out green plants, plants which gives out seed, fruit trees which bear fruit on the earth according their kind, which their seed is in them. and it is thus happen. 12and the earth has brought forth green grass/vegetation, plant/herb which gives out seed according to its kind, and trees which bear fruit, which their seed is in them, according to their kind. and G-d has seen that this is good. 13and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, the third day.
14has G-d said: shall become lights in the expanse of heaven, to separate between the day and between the night, and they shall be for signs and for times/festivals, and for days and years. 15and they shall be for lights in the expanse of heaven, to shine light on the earth. and it is thus happened. 16and G-d has made the two great lights: the greater light for the rule of day, and the lesser light for the rule of the night; and the stars. 17and G-d has them placed in the expanse of heaven, to shine light on the earth, 18and to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate between the light and between the darkness. and G-d has seen that this is good. 19and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, a fourth day.
20has G-d said: let the waters swarm a proliferation of living creatures, and birds shall fly on the earth, over free expanse of heaven. 21and G-d has created the great sea creatures, and all living creatures which creep, which the water has swarmed according to their kind, and all winged birds according to their kind. and G-d has seen that this is good.
22and G-d has them blessed, thus to say: be fruitful you (PL) and multiply you (PL), and fill on the waters in the seas, and the birds shall self increase on the earth. 23and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, a fifth day.
24has G-d said: shall the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kind, livestock and creeping things and wild animals of the earth according to their kind. and it is thus happened. 25and G-d has made the wild animals of the earth according to their kind, and the livestock according to their kind, and all creeping things of the earth according to their kind. and G-d has seen that this is good.
26has G-d said: let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of sea, and over the birds of heaven, and over the animal, and over the whole earth, and over all creeping things which creep on the earth.
27and G-d has created the man in his image;
in the image of G-d has he him created;
a male and a female has he them created.
28and G-d has them blessed, and G-d has to them said: be fertile you (PL) and multiply you (PL), and fill on the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of sea, and over the birds of heaven, and over all that is living which creeps on the earth.
29and G-d has said: see, I have you (PL) given every plant/herb which gives out seed, which on face of the whole earth, and every tree which on it is here fruittrees which give out seed; for you (PL) shall this be to eat. 30and for all wild animals of the earth, and for all birds of heaven, and for all that which creeps on the earth, which in it is here a living breath, is every green plant/herb to eat. and it is thus having been.
31and G-d has seen all that which he has made, and it is very good. and it is having been evening, and it is having been morning, the sixth day.





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