Philippians 1
1Paul and Timothy, servants of the Moshiach Yehoshua, to all holy ones in the Moshiach Yehoshua, who find self in Philippi, with the Mashgichem (Overseers) and shammashim: 2grace to you (PL) and peace from G-d our Father, and from the L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach.
3I thank my G-d as often as I remind me of you (PL), 4always in all my prayers for you (PL) all—prayer doing with joy— 5on account of your comradeship in the News Good from the first day on until now; 6being confident in the this one matter, that he (Hashem), who has begun a good work in you (PL), will it complete until to the day of the Moshiach Yehoshua; 7as it is right for me the these to think about you (PL) all, because I bear you (PL) in my heart, and all are you (PL) participants with me in the grace and in my chains, in the defense and in the confirmation of the News Good. 8because Hashem is my witness, how I yearn after you (PL) all in the inmost affections of the Moshiach Yehoshua. 9and am praying for the this, that your love continue to strengthen more and more in knowledge and every understanding, 10so as to differentiate the varied things, so that you (PL) shall be pure and that lead not to the stumbling until to the day of the Moshiach, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness, which is through Yehoshua the Moshiach, to Hashem's glory and praise.
12and I want (to) you (PL) inform, brothers, that these (things), that is me happened, is altogether further fall to the progress of the News Good, 13in this way, that my chains on account of Moshiach are unveiled become in the entire Praetorium and in all other (places); 14and the most of of the brothers in the L-rd have become encouraged through my chains, with further fearlessness, unflinching to speak Hashem's word. 15some actually on account of envy and dissensions, and others of good will preach the Moshiach; 16the these do it out of love, knowing, that I am appointed become to the defense of the News Good; 17however those with unclean motives make known the Moshiach, not in sincerity, intending to add a trouble to my chains. 18therefore what? but at any rate, whether as a pretext or truly, Moshiach is being proclaimed: and in the this rejoice I me, and will I yet rejoice. 19because I know, that the these will result to my salvation, through your prayer do and through the help of Yehoshua the Messiah's Spirit, 20according to my earnest expectation and confidence, that I will in nothing put to shame be, but in all courage, as always, so also now, will Moshiach glorified be in my body, either through life and or through death. 21because for me is Moshiach the life and the death—a gain. 22but if to live in the flesh, are the these for me fruit of (Shlichus) work; and I know not what to choose. 23and from both sides am I in a dilemma, having the desire dead to be and to be with Moshiach, for it is much better; 24to remain however in the flesh is more necessary for for your sake. 25and the these know I all certain, that I will remain and be with you (PL) all to your strengthening and joy of faith; 26so that your boasting in the Moshiach Yehoshua shall increase become through my coming to you (PL) again.
27but conduct yourselves on as is fitting on the News Good of the Moshiach, so that whether I come and see you (PL), or come not and hear about you (PL), that you (PL) stand in one Spirit, and struggle together with one soul for the faith of the News Good, 28and in nothing frightened by the opponents: which is to them an evidence of lost being, to you (PL) however of salvation, and the these are of Hashem; 29because to you (PL) was given for sake of the Moshiach, not only to believe in Him, but also to to suffer for Him; 30having the same struggle, which you (PL) have seen in me, and now hear you (PL) is in me.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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