Ephesians 6
chapter six
1children, obey your (PL) parents in the L-rd, because this is right. 2hold honor your father and mother, this is the first commandment with a promise; 3so that it shall you (SG) go well, and you (SG) you shall live long on the earth. (Deuteronomy 5, 16.) 4and you (PL), fathers, provoke not your (PL) children, but bring up them in the education and in the reproof of the L-rd.
5you (PL) servants, obey the (ones), who according to flesh are your (PL) masters, with fear and trembling in the simplicity of your heart, as though the Moshiach; 6serving not only before eye, as you (PL) would wanted men to please, but as Moshiach's servant, who do Hashem's will from the heart; 7serve with good will, as unto the L-rd and not before men; 8knowing, that whatever good thing anyone will do, will he the same receive from the L-rd, whether servant or free man. 9and you (PL) masters, do the same things in relation to them, ceasing to threaten, because you (PL) know, that their Master and yours is in heaven, and for Him gives not any partiality of face to be.
10to the end, be strong in the L-rd and in the power of His might. 11put on the weapons of Hashem, so that you (PL) shall be able to overcome the wiles of the Satan. 12because the struggle for us is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the cosmic rulers of the this one darkness, against the spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. 13on account of these take you (PL) the weapons of Hashem, so that you (PL) shall yourselves be able to withstand in the evil day, and having all done, to remain standing. 14therefore shall you (PL) stand with your (PL) waist gird around with truth, and clothed with the breast shield of righteousness, 15and your (PL) feet provide with shoes with readiness for the Good News of peace; 16and over all take the shield of faith, with which you (PL) will be able to extinquish all burning arrows of the evil (Satan). 17and the helmet of salvation shall you (PL) take, and the sword of the Spirit, which is Hashem's word; 18pray making at all times in the Spirit with prayers and supplications, and to that purpose watching with all perseverance and prayer for all holy ones, 19and for me, that that I shall given be a word by the opening my mouth, so that with boldness reveal to be the mystery of the Good News, 20for which I am a Shliach (an emissary) in chains, that therein shall I speak as boldly, as it is my duty.
21and so that also you (PL) shall know what with me occurs and what I do, will Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the L-rd, you (PL) all to inform do. 22him have I sent to you (PL) actually on account of the this, so that you (PL) shall self find out how it goes with us, and that he shall encourage your (PL) hearts.
23peace to the brothers, and love with faith from G-d the Father and from the L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach. 24let the grace be with all, who have love the L-rd our Yehoshua the Moshiach with an imperishable love. Amen.
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