Ephesians 5
chapter five
1walk therefore in the ways of Hashem, as beloved children; 2and live in love, as also the Moshiach has you (PL) love had and Himself handed over for us as an offering and sacrifice to Hashem for a scent fragrant. 3fornication however and every impurity or greed shall even not remember to be by the name among you (PL), as is becoming on for holy ones; 4also not any obscenity and foolish words or veiled humor, which fitting self not; but rather (shall you (PL) offer) a praise. 5because the these shall you (PL) know, that any adulterer or unclean (man) or gelt greedy, who is as an idolater, has not any inheritance in the kingdom of of the Moshiach and Hashem. 6let you (PL) anyone not mislead with empty words; because through the these comes Hashem's wrath on the children of disobedience. 7become therefore not any fellow sharers with them; 8because once are you (PL) were darkness, now however (are you (PL)) light in the L-rd, behave then yourselves on as children of the light— 9because the fruit of the light exists in all goodness and righteousness and truth— 10and is testing what it is well pleasing for the L-rd (G-d); 11and have not any fellowship with the unfruitful works of the darkness, but rather shall you (PL) them reprove; 12because it is even a shame to speak of that, which they do in secrecy. 13and all, who becomes reproved of the light, becomes made manifest, 14because all, which becomes revealed, is light. therefore says He:
wake up, you (SG) sleeper,
and stand up from the dead,
and the Moshiach will you give light!
(Yeshayah 60, 1)
15give then good attention how you (PL) live, not as fools, but as wise ones; 16making good use of the time, because the days are evil. 17on account of that shall you (PL) not be foolish, but you (PL) shall understand what the L-rd (G-d's) will is. 18and intoxicate yourselves not on with wine, in which there is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit; 19speaking one with the other with songs and hymns and spiritual songs, and sing and psalming in your heart to the L-rd; 20offer always up a praise to G-d and the Father for all in the Name of our L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach; 21and submit yourselves one to the other in the fear of the Moshiach.
22let the women be (submissive) to their own husbands as to the L-rd, 23because the husband is the head of the woman, as also the Moshiach is the head of the kehile; He Himself is the Savior of the body. 24but as the kehile is subject to the Moshiach, also so should the wives (be) to the husbands in everything. 25you (PL) men, have love your (PL) wives, as also the Moshiach has love had the kehile, and Himself gave away for her, 26so that He shall her make holy, having her pure made through the mikveh of water with the word, 27so that he shall establish for Himself the kehile a glorious, which has not any spot or wrinkle or something the like, but that she shall be holy and without an imperfection. 28also so are the men obligated love to have their wives as their own bodies. who it has love his own wife, that (one) has self himself loved; 29because anyone has ever not hate had his own body, but he nourishes it and cares for it so, as also the Moshiach the kehile; 30for we are members of His body. 31therefore will a man leave the father and the mother, and himself join with his wife, and the two will be one flesh. (Genesis 2, 24.) 32the these is a great mystery, I speak however of the Moshiach and the kehile. 33yet shall also every one of you (PL), (each) one as the other, so love have his wife, as self alone; and the wife shall have honor for (her) husband.
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