Ephesians 4
chapter four
1therefore ask I you (PL), I, the prisoner in the L-rd, that you (PL) shall live as it stands on the call, with which you (PL) are called become, 2with all subjection and meekness, with perseverance, bearing with one the other in love, 3and be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace: 4one body and one Spirit, as you (PL) are also called become in one hope of your calling; 5one L-rd, one faith, one mikveh; 6one G-d and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7but every one of us is the grace given become according to the measure of of the Moshiach's gift. 8therefore says He:
when He is went up on high,
has he captivity taken captive
and given gifts to the people.
(Psalms 68, 19)
9and that he is ascended, what means this, if not that He is also went down to the lowest parts of the earth? 10the One, who is went down, is the same, Who is ascended higher than all heavens, in order that all filling to be. 11and has given some for Shlichim, and some for nevi'im, and some for mevasarim, and some for ruchaniyim roim and melamdim/teachers; 12to the completion of the holy ones for the doing of the service, to the building up of the Moshiach's body, 13until we all will reach to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of the Most High, to the perfect Man, to the measure of of the growth of Moshiach's fullness; 14so that we should more not be any children, of waves tossed and carried about of every wind of teaching, through the deceitfulness of men, through cunning of deception to mislead; 15but, saying the truth in love, let us in all grow in Him, who is the Head, the Moshiach, 16from whom the whole body, being joined and bound, through all ligaments, which (one) helps (the other), which according to the power in measure of of each member separately, makes grow the body, itself to build up in love.
17the these say I therefore and adjure you (PL) in the L-rd, that you (PL) shall yourselves more not conduct ourselves, as the nations (of the world) lead themself on in the emptiness of their understanding, 18who are darkened in their mind, alienated from the life of Hashem, on account of the ignorance, which is in them, through the hardness of their heart; 19having lost all feeling, have they themselves handed over to debauchery, to do every impurity in (relationship with) money avarice. 20you (PL) however did not so learn the Moshiach; 21if you (PL) have in truth from Him heard and are taught become in Him—as the truth is in Yehoshua— 22that which pertains the former life-customs shall you (PL) remove the old man/self, which sinks to ground from the deceitful lusts, 23and renewed become in the spirit of your minds. 24and shall yourselves clothe with the new man, who is created become according to (the image of) G-d in righteousness and holiness from the truth.
25therefore do away from you (PL) the lies and speak the truth, every one with his neighbor, because we are body parts one of the other. 26be angry and sin not. let the sun not go down on your anger; 27and give not the Satan any place. 28let the thief more not steal, but rather shall he work, doing good with his own hands, in order that he shall have what to give the one, who has need. 29let any profane word not come out of your mouth out, but what is good, where necessary, to the building up, so that it shall give grace to the (one), who hears it. 30and grieve not Hashem's Spirit the Holy, in Whom you (PL) were sealed become until to the Day of the Redemption. 31every bitterness, and anger and wrath and shouting and slander shall you (PL) remove from you (PL), together with all meanness; 32be instead good one to the other, kindhearted, be yourselves forgiving one the other, as also Hashem in the Moshiach has you (PL) forgiven did.
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