Ephesians 3
chapter three
1on account of these am I, Paul—the prisoner of the Moshiach Yehoshua for you (PL) nations (of the world)— 2if you (PL) have heard of the stewardship of Hashem's grace, which is me given become for for your sake, 3that according to a revelation is me made known become the mystery, as I have you (PL) already before written briefly, 4so that reading it, shall you (PL) be able to perceive my insight in the mystery of the Moshiach, 5who is in other generations not revealed become to the humankind as it is now revealed to his holy, Shlichim and nevi'im in the Spirit, 6that the nations (of the world) are joint heirs and fellow members and fellow sharers of the promise in the Moshiach Yehoshua through the News Good, 7of whom I am become a servant according to the gift of Hashem's grace, which is me given become according to the working of His power; 8me, the least of all holy ones, was given the this one grace, to proclaim to the nations (of the world) the News of Moshiach's not researchable wealth; 9and (to) everyone to light up, what it is the plan of this mystery, which is from eternal ages on was hidden in Hashem the Creator of all things; 10so that now shall revealed be to the authorities and powers in the heavenly places through the kehile the manifold wisdom of Hashem, 11according to the eternal decision, which He has it has been done in the Moshiach Yehoshua, the L-rd our; 12in whom we have the boldness and the access with confidence through faith in Him. 13therefore ask I myself from you (PL), you (PL) shall not discouraged be through my troubles for your sake, which are a glory for you (PL).
14on account of this bow I my knee before the Father, 15from whom all families in heaven and on the earth are called (with a name), 16that He shall you (PL) give according to the riches of His glory, with power strengthened to be in the inner man through His Spirit; 17that through faith shall the Moshiach dwell in your (PL) hearts; that you (PL) shall be rooted and established firmly in love, 18in order that you (PL) shall be able to understand together with all saints the breadth and the length and the height and the depth, 19and to recognize the Moshiach's love, which ascends above knowledge, so that you (PL) shall filled become with every abundance of Hashem.
20and to Him, who is able to do much more above our asking or thinking, according to the power, which works in us, 21to Him shall be glory in the kehile and in the Moshiach Yehoshua from generation to generation forever and ever. Amen.
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