Ephesians 2
chapter two
1and you (PL), who you (PL) were dead in your (PL) trespasses and sins, 2in which you (PL) did once were according to the time course/age of the world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, of the spirit, which works now in the children of disobedience— 3among whom we did also once live in the lusts of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of the mind, and according to the nature we were children of wrath just as so as even the others— 4Hashem however, being rich in mercy, did for the sake of His great love, with which He did us love have, 5even when we are was dead in the trespasses, us alive made together with the Moshiach—with grace are you (PL) saved become— 6and did us roused and us sat down together with the Moshiach Yehoshua in the heavenly places; 7so as to show in the coming ages the abundance of the riches of His grace in goodness in relation to us in the Moshiach Yehoshua: 8because with grace are you (PL) saved become through faith, and that not from you (PL) yourselves, it is a gift from Hashem; 9not from deeds good, so that anyone may themselves not boast. 10because we are His work, created in the Moshiach Yehoshua for works good, which Hashem has in advance prepared, that we should live in them.
11on account of that shall you (PL) remember, that once are you (PL) were nations (of the world) in the flesh, who are called become uncircumcised by the (ones), who be called circumcised—a circumcision in the flesh, a with hands made— 12that at that time are you (PL) were without a Moshiach, excluded from the citizen rights of Israel and strangers who concerning the covenants of the promise, without a hope and without G-d in the world. 13now however in the Moshiach Yehoshua you (PL), who are once were distant, have become near through the (atonement) blood of the Moshiach. 14because He is our peace, who has made the the two one and did demolish the separating partition, the hostility, with His own body, 15annulled making the law of commands and laws; so that in Himself alone to create from the two one new mankind, (and so) making peace; 16and to make peace the the two in one body to Hashem through the tree, putting to death the hostility through Him; 17and did come and herald was peace to you (PL), the far away and peace to you (PL), the near; 18because through Him have we, the the two, the access in one Spirit to the Father. 19therefore are you (PL) so around more not any aliens and foreigners, but you (PL) are fellow citizens of the saints and Hashem's sons of house, 20built up on the foundation of Shlichim and nevi'im, while Moshiach Yehoshua Himself is the cornerstone; 21in whom the entire building is joined and grows out to a Beis HaMikdash in the L-rd (G-d); 22in whom also you (PL) be built together for a dwelling for Hashem in the Spirit.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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