Philippians 2
chapter two
1if therefore it finds self which kind of comfort in the Moshiach, if a compassion of love, if a fellowship of the Spirit, if mercies and mercifulness, 2make my joy full, that you (PL) shall think the same, having the same love, being united, having one mind; 3nothing doing through strife or worthless conceit, but in humility holding one the other as greater than self alone; 4not attention giving only about his own things, but also about the other's. 5let with you (PL) be the same mind, which was in the Moshiach Yehoshua, 6who, being in the form of G-d, did it not consider for a right of possession to hold fast equal to be to Hashem, 7but did Himself pour out, taking on Himself the form of a slave, becoming like to man; 8and found becoming in human form, did he self humble made and did become obedient until to the death—the death on the tree. 9therefore actually did also Hashem Him very (much) raise up, and Him has given the Name, which is above every name, 10so that at the Name Yehoshua shall self bow every knee, which are in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue shall confess do, that Yehoshua the Moshiach is L-rd, to the glory of G-d the Father.
12therefore, my beloved, as you (PL) are always were obedient, not only in my presence (with you (PL)), but much more now in my absence, in this way work out your own salvation with fear and with trembling; 13because Hashem is the one, who works in you (PL) both to will and to do according to his will. 14do all without murmuring and disputes, 15so that you (PL) shall be without blame and without falseness, children of Hashem without a blemish in the midst of a perverse and a twisted generation, among whom you (PL) shine as light in the world, 16holding firm the word of life, I to glory in the Day of the Moshiach, that I did not in vain run and have not in vain labored. 17but if I shall even poured out be on the sacrifice and service of your faith, rejoice I myself, and rejoice I with you (PL) all together; 18and for the this shall you (PL) yourselves also rejoice and be glad with me.
19and I hope in the L-rd Yehoshua to send Timothy to you (PL) in soon, so that I shall myself also feel comforted, finding out myself how it holding on you (PL). 20because I have not anyone, who is like to him in spirit, who shall genuinely for you (PL) be concerned. 21because all seek their own issues, not those, which are concerning Yehoshua the Moshiach. 22you (PL) however know his tested worth, that as a child to his father, so has he worked as a servant with me in the News Good. 23hope I therefore him to send, as soon as only I will myself find out, what with me will happen, 24and have confidence in the L-rd, that I myself will also soon coming to you (PL). 25I have however felt for necessary to send to you (PL) Epaphroditus, my brother and co-worker and fellow soldier, your messenger and minister in my need; 26because he did long after you (PL) all, and himself greatly grieved was on account of that, which you (PL) had heard, that he is sick was; 27because he is actually become sick unto death; but Hashem had Himself mercy on was on him, and not only on him alone, but also on me, so that I shall not have sorrow on sorrow. 28I have him therefore more quickly sent, so that you (PL) shall yourselves rejoice, again seeing him, and I shall be without concern. 29be then him receive in the L-rd with every joy; and share to honor such as he is; 30because on account of the work of Moshiach is he come near to the death, risking with the life so as to fulfill that, which had fallen (short) in your service for me.
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