Luke 15
chapter fifteen
1and it have self come near to him all tax collectors and sinners, so that him to hear. 2and the Pharisees and scribes have murmured, so to say: the this one takes on sinners and eats with them!
3and he has said to them the these parable, so to say: 4who man of you (PL), having hundred sheep and lose one of them, leave not over the nine and ninety in the wilderness and go after the lost one, until he finds it? 5and when he has it found, puts he she on his shoulders with joy; 6and coming home, calls he together his friend and the neighbors, and says to them: rejoice self with me, because I have found my sheep, which is lost gone. 7I tell you (PL), just so will be a joy in heaven over one sinner, who does repentance, more than over nine and ninety righteous, who need not any repentance.
8or which woman, who has ten drachmas, when she loses one coin, kindles not without a light, and sweeps out the house, and seek with zeal, until she finds it? 9and when she has found, calls she together her friend and neighbors, and says: rejoice self with me; because I have found the coin, which I have lost! 10just in this way, tell I you (PL), it is a joy for the angels of Hashem over one sinner, who do repentance.
11and he has said: a certain man has had two sons. 12and the younger of them has said to the father: Father, give me the share of possessions, which falls me to! and he has them divide the possessions and goods. 13and in a few days around has the younger son all collected, and self set out in a distant land into; and there squandered his possessions in a debauched life. 14and when he has already had all spent, is become a stronger famine over that entire land; and he has begun to suffer in need. 15and he went and has self attached to one of the citizens of that land; and he has him sent in his fields into to feed swine. 16and he has longed fill his stomach with the pods/husks, which the swine have gorged; and no one has it him not given. 17when however he is come to self, has he said: o, how much wage laborers of my father have food in abundance, and I go here out for famine! 18I will arise and go to the father mine, and will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you (SG); 19I am more not worthy called to be your son; make me as one of your wage laborers. 20and he is stand up again, and is went away to his father. while however he is yet was distant, has the father his him seen and has self compassion, and is run, and him fell on his neck, and has him kissed. 21and the son has to him said: Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you (SG), I am more not worthy called to be your son. 22the Father however has said to his servant: brings quickly out the best garment and puts clothes him on; and give him a ring on his hand, and shoes on the feet; 23and bring the fatted calf, kosher slaughter it, and let us to eat and self let feast; 24because the this one son mine was dead, and is again alive become (come to life again); he was lost, and is found become. and they have begun self joyful to be. 25however his older son was in field; and when he is come and self come near to the house, has he heard klezmer must and (hasidic) dance. 26and he has call over one of the servant, and has asked what this shall mean. 27and he has him said: your brother is come; and your father has ritually slaughtered the fatted calf, because he has him back received a healthy. 28and he is furious become, and has not wanted go in; his father however is come out and has him begged. 29he however has answering said to the father: just already so much years serve I you, and have never not violating was on your a command; and me you have never not given any billygoat, so that I shall me rejoice with my friend; 30when however the this one son your is come, who has devoured your possessions and goods with prostitutes, you have ritually slaughtered for his sake the fatted calf! 31has he to him said; my child, you (SG) are always with me, and all, what is my, is your. 32they has self however needful let feast and rejoice; because the this one brother your was death, and is alive become; and he was lost and is again found become!
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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