Luke 14
chapter fourteen
1and it is happened, when he is a Sabbath entered in the house of one of the chief Pharisees, so as to eat bread, and they have lie in wait on him. 2and look, a man, a water swelling, was before him. 3and Yehoshua has answering said to the Baalei HaTorah and Pharisees, so to say: (question) permitted is it Sabbath to heal or not? 4they however have silent. and he has him taken and healed and has him sent away. 5and has to them said: who of you (PL), whose a son or an ox is fell into in a well, and will he then him not immediately pull out in the day of Sabbath? 6and they have him not be able to answer thereon.
7and he has said a parable to the guests, when he has notice, as they have self choosing the places at the head (of honor); and has said to them: 8when you (SG) will be of anyone invite on a wedding, sit you not down on the first place of at the head (of honor); lest will a more eminent than you (SG) be invited by him, 9and the one, who has you and him invited, will come and say to you (SG): give him the place! and then will you begin with shame to occupy the last place. 10rather when you (SG) will be invite, go and sit you on the last one place of, so that when the one, who has you invite, will come, shall he say to you (SG): friend shift you up higher! then will you have honor before all, who sit at the table with you (SG). 11because every one, who raises up self alone, will humbled be, and who it humbles self alone, this one will raises up to be.
12he has however also said to the one, who has him invite: when you (SG) make a lunch or an evening meal, invite not one your friend, not your brothers, not your relatives, not any rich neighbors, lest will they also you again (in return) invite and it will to be for you (SG) a recompense. 13but when you (SG) make a celebration, invite one poor people, crippled, lame, the blind, 14and you (SG) will be blessed; because they have not what you (SG) to recompense; because it will you (SG) repay to be in the standing up again resurrection of the dead ones of the righteous.
15and on hearing this, has one of the sitting with said to him: blessed is the one, who eats bread in the kingdom of Hashem! 16he however has to him said: a certain man has made a great feast, and many invite; 17and has sent his servant in the hour of the feast, to say to the invited: come, because all is already ready! 18and all as one have begun self to make excuses. the first has to him said: I have bought a field and am compel, go out it to see; I ask you, be me excused! 19and an another has said: I have bought five yoke oxen, and I go them test; I beg you, forgive me! 20after an another has said: I have taken a wife, and on account of that can I not come! 21and when the servant is return, has he this reported the L-rd his. then is the owner of the house furious become, and has said to his servant: go quick out on the streets and lanes of the city, and bring here the poor people and crippled and the blind and lame! 22and the servant has said: L-rd, it is happened, as you (SG) you have commanded, and it is still here place (room)! 23and the L-rd has said to the servant: go out on the roads and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house shall to be full! 24because I tell you (PL), that any one of those men, who are invite become, will not taste do of my feast.
25and are accompany with him great crowds of people, and he has self turn around, and to them said: 26if someone comes to me and hates not his father and mother and the wife and the children and the brothers and the sisters, and in addition also his own life, can he not be my disciple. 27who it carry not his tree and go me after, the one can not be my disciple. 28because who of you (PL), will build a tower, will self not before all sit down and reckon the costs, whether he has (means) to finish? 29so that lest, when he will have put the foundation and not being able finish, will all, who see it, begin to ridicule of him, 30so to say: the this one man has begun build, and not be able finish! 31or what king, who go out war wage with an other king, sit self not before all down to conferred, (question) it is possible, with ten thousand to meet the one, who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32if however not, sends he emissaries to him while the other is still distant, and begs peace. 33therefore also so every one of you (PL), who will self not deride of all, what he has, can not be my disciple. 34the salt is actually good; if however also the salt shall lose its taste, with what will there (be) it seasoned? 35it (is) fit more not for the soil, not for the garbage dump; they throw it out. who it has ears to hear, this one shall hear!
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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